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SACE Change Network | November 2021 update Learning transfer

A project focusing on creating learning experiences and assessments that support students to transfer their learning and apply it in new situations and circumstances.

What did we do?

  • Developed an instructional video and exemplar to support the development of examination questions.
  • Prototyped the construction of one examination booklet for Stage 2 Chemistry with a balance of transfer. The prototype exam setting panel was derived from 2 participants from prior SACE Change Network engagements, SACE Officers, and Lead Practitioners.

What did we learn?

  • The instructional video and question type exemplar provided effective support to the panel involved in constructing examination questions to elicit near to far transfer.
  • Quality questions were developed by teachers without previous SACE examination development experience.
  • Further confidence that the transfer tool is usable and effective.

So what?

  • Early findings indicate high-quality instructional videos and exemplars can be used to support teachers to independently engaged with the concept of learning transfer.

  • We need to test whether examinations in other subjects can be set using the model developed for the Chemistry prototype examination.