About | SACE improvement | Aboriginal education
Aboriginal education
The SACE is supporting Aboriginal students to complete the qualification and develop the skills they need to succeed, while maintaining their cultural identity. The world-class SACE is opening new pathways into university, training or the workplace.
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Our allyship
The SACE Board is committed to fulfilling the learning entitlement of Aboriginal students and is a core component of our Thrive strategic vision. We work in Allyship with Aboriginal Community members to bring Aboriginal students to the forefront of the Board’s strategy, and to determine focus areas and priorities that impact successful educational outcomes.
Comprised of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people who bring diverse cultural, Community and sector expertise, the SACE Aboriginal Education Allyship amplifies the voice of Aboriginal students and provides authentic perspectives on developing innovative policy that acknowledges epistemologies of Aboriginal cultures and Aboriginal students’ unique lived experience.
The key function of the SACE Aboriginal Education Allyship is to provide constructive, expert advice to the Chief Executive and the SACE Board around enhancing educational outcomes for Aboriginal young people. The Allyship also has the capacity to function as a working group for projects, to develop richer approaches to our work.
The Allyship actively supports the implementation of annual priorities, including monitoring the sustainability of their aims, initiatives and activities, to ensure continued improvement and success of Aboriginal students’ in education.
Celebrating success
Completing the SACE provides an outstanding foundation for life, future studies and work.
To celebrate and recognise the achievement of Aboriginal students, the SACE Board is currently calling for nominations of students to be included in our annual Aboriginal SACE Completers Poster.
Please nominate students by 28 March 2025 and include:
- a student photo (preferably a school portrait)
- completed consent form [DOC 100KB]
Please forward nominations or any questions you may have to SACE.aboriginalstudents@sa.gov.au.
Watch the success stories of some of our Aboriginal SACE graduates and find out more about their SACE journey.