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Learning or assessment beyond the classroom
Some subject outlines specify that learning or assessment takes place beyond the classroom in the wider community.
Teachers are encouraged to support students in completing activities, where appropriate:
- in their own home, garden, or local environment
- using appropriate digital resources e.g. modelling software, online conferencing software etc.
Examples of defined locations in subject outlines include:
- fieldwork locations e.g. for Geography and Tourism. This should be broadly interpreted. When collecting data, students might consider:
- changing the topic of their investigation to consider more accessible or appropriate sites
- using spatial technology enabling students to learn techniques virtually
- using online sources for the collection of relevant data
- a kitchen e.g. for Food and Hospitality
- students can complete food preparation tasks safely using a kitchen available to them
- teachers should support students to complete their practical task using a safe method, equipment and appropriate ingredients
- a laboratory e.g. for sciences – teachers might choose to:
- support students to complete a suitably adapted practical task that can be conducted safely in their own home using appropriate reagents
- encourage the use of online modelling software to generate data for a practical investigation
- provide students with a data set so that they can complete an analysis and evaluation of a practical investigation