Innovating the SACE | Quality assurance | UPDATE FOR MAY 2

Quality assurance

Our quality assurance processes for marking, moderation and recognition collectively assure the integrity of a student's SACE certificate. SACE quality assurance intentionally empowers teachers as professionals and involves shared roles and responsibilities [PDF 286KB]

One of the key areas of focus in the 2024-27 Strategic Plan, quality assurance will be particularly important in the coming years as the SACE Board more formally recognises the full range of capabilities that students develop. Our ambition is to build an enhanced model that extends trust, provides better feedback and builds teacher capability.

Including capabilities within subject learning is a broader definition of learning success, providing a more sophisticated picture of a student’s strengths. 

While ensuring students continue to have fair, valid and reliable results, the SACE Board will seek a wider range of evidence to more accurately show what students know, understand and can do. 

Teachers will be encouraged to submit evidence of learning that is less formal – things other than essays and test results, for example – that are nevertheless legitimate and can count towards a student’s attainment of the SACE. 

To help teachers do this, the SACE Board will extend greater trust to educators. The enhanced quality-assurance model will also seek to improve timeliness – providing teachers with feedback earlier in the school year so they are better placed to act on that advice and make any necessary adjustments. 

The ultimate aim is to expand the previous limits placed on permissible evidence of learning, while ensuring the integrity of assessment is maintained at a high level. 

Visit Quality assurance in the SACE to learn more about our quality assurance cycle.