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Functionality - Stage 1 results sheet

Why can I enter grades for some of the students on my Stage 1 results sheet but not all of them?

If a student is marked as "Withdrawn", grades cannot be entered for them. To enter grades, un-tick the withdrawn checkbox. 

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What grades do I enter into Schools Online for Stage 1 subjects?

The following grades can be entered on Stage 1 results sheets:

  • All subjects: A-E, N
  • English and mathematics subjects and Exploring Identities and Futures: A-E, N and P 
  • Modified Subjects: C (Completed) or N (Not completed).

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Why can't I create a Stage 1 class in Schools Online?

Classes can only be created in Schools Online by the Principal's Delegate prior to the Stage 1 enrolment cut-off date. If a class needs to be created after the enrolment cut-off date, the Principal's Delegate must contact the SACE Board.

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Can I add a student to my Stage 1 class?

Yes, the Principal's Delegate can add a student to a class prior to the enrolment cut-off date. After the enrolment cut-off date, the class teacher and/or the Principal's Delegate can add a student to a Stage 1 results sheet. Refer to the "Adding a student" process in the Teacher Instruction Sheet, on the Schools Online page on the SACE website.

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Why is a student appearing as "Withdrawn" on my Stage 1 results sheet?

The teacher or principals delegate has chosen to withdraw the student. To enter grades, un-tick the withdrawn checkbox. 

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Can I create another Stage 1 results sheet for a class?

A new results sheet cannot be created by the school after the Stage 1 enrolment cut-off date has passed. The Principal's Delegate must contact the SACE Board if a class and results sheet needs to be created after the cut-off date.

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When can I view my class in Schools Online?

A class can be viewed in Schools Online after the Principal's Delegate has created it. To view the class, access Schools Online and click on "Teacher Classes".

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How does Stage 1 moderation (or review) feedback impact the entry of results in Schools Online?

The SACE Board provides feedback to schools regarding the outcomes of Stage 1 moderation for English and mathematics subjects and Exploring Identities and Futures. Feedback is also provided about the review outcomes of Modified subjects for compulsory subjects. 

Teachers should check that the final results reflect the outcomes of moderation or review, including any necessary adjustments to results.

The SACE Board does not report final results for students in English and mathematics subjects and Exploring Identities and Futures, and compulsory Modified subjects if: 

  • moderation/review did not take place for a subject requested for moderation/review
  • the final results submitted do not reflect the outcomes of moderation/review.

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Why isn't there a Stage 1 results sheet for my class in Schools Online?

There are two possible reasons why a Stage 1 results sheet is not available for a class in Schools Online:

  1. The results sheet may not have been released yet. Results sheets are released on set dates in both Semester 1 and Semester 2. Refer to the Schools Online cycle or SACE online calendar for results access and submission dates.
  2. A class may not have been created by the Principal's Delegate in Schools Online by the Stage 1 enrolment cut-off date. Log into Schools Online and check the Teacher Classes page to see if your class has been created.

Please see your Principal's Delegate if you need to create a class after the Stage 1 enrolment cut-off.

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