E-exams | Technical readiness | SACE Exam Browser

SACE Exam Browser (SEB)

Students will use a locked SACE Exam Browser for their e-exams. Using this browser prevents access to the internet and other computer resources. 

IT managers should ensure the browser is installed on the devices that students will use to complete their exam. Students, when advised by their school, can also use the installation instructions to install the browser on the device they will use to complete their exam. The browser is built for Windows and Mac — do your students have a Chromebook?

Students who are unsure if they are required to install the browser should check with their SACE coordinator and/or IT manager. 

Please ensure any student device which has an earlier version of the SACE Exam browser, has the previous package removed. Ensure all elements are fully uninstalled and the machine is rebooted before downloading this file.

The Northern Hemisphere 2024/2025 Package is now available.

Students with a Chromebook

The browser package above is built for Windows and Mac.

For Chromebook support, please contact askSACE.