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Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 19

Overseas students — fees

Advice for SACE coordinators about the fees applicable to students from overseas who are studying in South Australia under Student visa (subclass 500).

The following special fees are applicable to full-fee-paying students from overseas who are studying in South Australia under Student visa (subclass 500):

From 2023, a flat fee structure was implemented, this means that regardless of how many credits overseas students are studying in a year in South Australia, a flat fee will apply: 

  • The fee will be $517 for students enrolled in Stage 1 (not refundable)
  • The fee will be $1,138 for students enrolled in Stage 2 (not refundable).

*These fees are subject to government approval and are current until 1 July 2025

A student who is enrolled in both Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects is required to pay the relevant fee for the Stage of most of their subjects.

Students who do not pay their fees by the due date will have their SACE and ATAR results withheld, no certification documentation will be issued, you will not be able to apply for any courses through SATAC.

Non-government schools

SACE coordinators are asked to complete Form 9 and submit it to the SACE Board.

Non-government schools will be invoiced by the SACE Board. These schools should advise students that they are required to pay the fees in accordance with the above schedule, and organise to collect the fees from students and send them to the SACE Board.

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Government schools

Students attending government schools will be invoiced individually by the SACE Board based on information provided by the Department for Education and confirmed by schools.

The invoices will be sent to schools for distribution to students. Schools are asked to return invoices for students who have moved schools or have returned overseas and advise of any additional students enrolled under Student visa (subclass 500) who have not been invoiced.

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