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Teaching the SACE | Assessment | School assessment and moderation | Stage 2 (part 1A) - NEW AUG 2021

Stage 2 moderation


Stage 2 moderation confirms your interpretation of the performance standards in the school-assessed component of all Stage 2 subjects before students receive their final subject grades.

In each Stage 2 subject, you will select the sample of students whose school assessment work is to be submitted for final moderation.

Teaching the SACE | Assessment | School assessment and moderation | Stage 2 (part 1B)

Moderation occurs at the end of Semester 1 for Stage 2 Research Project and Activating Identities and Futures and at the end of Semester 2 for all Stage 2 subjects.

More detailed procedures and guidelines are available in the Stage 2 moderation overview [DOC 37KB] and the Stage 2 moderation feedback - FAQs for teachers [PDF 985KB].