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Frequently asked questions

School selection of moderation samples

Why do schools select the moderation sample?

The SACE Board recognises that the core responsibility for quality school assessment rests with schools. Teachers are best placed to record final results, select samples for moderation, and ensure that the samples provided are a more reliable representation of the teacher's assessment decisions. This reduces the need for teachers to submit Form 27: Variations -moderation materials, which alerts the moderation panel to variations (such as missing student materials, a breach of rules, or the granting of special provisions).

Who selects the moderation sample?

All teachers of Stage 2 subjects, with the exception of modified subjects, select their Stage 2 moderation samples.

Will the SACE Board be selecting moderation samples?

The initial moderation sample will be selected by schools. However, the SACE Board reserves the right to request additional moderation samples at any time before the release of results.

The SACE Board may request schools to submit one or more additional moderation samples during the moderation period. School assessment materials for students who are not included in the moderation sample should be readily accessible throughout this period. Schools may accept or decline a request for additional moderation samples.

Roles and responsibilities

What is the teacher's responsibility during sample selection?

The teacher is responsible for using the sample selection parameters to select and record the moderation sample on the school assessment results sheet in Schools Online before submitting materials to the principal or the principal's delegate.

What is the principal's responsibility during sample selection?

The principal or the principal's delegate must ensure the integrity of the results and the sample that has been selected for moderation.

Does each teacher in a combined assessment group need to provide a moderation sample?

Where a combined assessment group has been formed, it is not necessary for student work from each teacher to be submitted, provided all grade levels are represented in accordance with the sample selection parameters. The moderation sample selected should be agreed on by all teachers within the assessment group.

Schools with a combined assessment group are expected to establish processes early to ensure consistent understanding and application of the performance standards.

Sample considerations

What are the sample selection parameters? (Which samples should I choose?)

For each assessment type in the school assessment component, you must select:

  • the work of all students who are awarded a result of A+
  • the work of one student for each grade level awarded (i.e. A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, E+, E, E-).
If you have not awarded a particular grade to any students, a sample of student work at that grade level is not required (e.g. if no B+ result is given, student work at the B+ level is not required).

When can I choose my sample?

You can choose your sample before the school assessment results sheet is made available in Schools Online, and then record the sample you have chosen once the result sheet is available. The sample should be selected after students have completed all assessments in the assessment type.

Can I submit my results sheet without indicating the samples I have selected?

No. Before the results sheet can be submitted to the principal's delegate, Schools Online will check and determine if the sample recorded meets the sample selection parameters.

How many samples should be provided?

For each assessment type, all A+ samples and the work of one student for each grade level are selected. Therefore, the number of samples will depend on the grade levels represented in the assessment group.

I can choose between several samples at a particular grade level. Which sample should I choose?

You should choose moderation samples that are 'typical', in that they accurately reflect their assessment decisions. Where a student's work is 'atypical', you should, where possible, select another student for the sample whose work more reliably demonstrates achievement at the particular grade level.

The following table is designed to support you in identifying 'typical' student work for moderation purposes:

Features of typical student work Features of atypical student work
  • it is complete
  • it is consistent and reliably assessed
  • you are confident about the final result awarded according to the performance standards.
  • a substantial part is incomplete
  • it is inconsistent and/or difficult to assess
  • a part has been misplaced
  • penalties for breaches of rules have been applied to the student's final result
  • special provisions have been applied to the student's assessment conditions.

Do I need to select the same student as the sample for all assessment types?

You may wish to select different students in their sample for each assessment type. Only the student work that relates to that type needs to be submitted.

Is Front Loaded Moderation for all subjects?

No. Front Loaded Moderation is only undertaken for Activating Identities and Futures.

Does front loaded moderation cover all assessment types?

No, only samples for AT1 are submitted at front loaded moderation.

When is Front Loaded Moderation?

It occurs in the same semester as when students are being resulted for the subject. For example if students are enrolled in semester 1 (results due June) schools would submit samples in semester 1. If students are enrolled in semester 1 or 2 (results due December) schools would submit samples in semester 2.

Do I need to submit a sample for every class for front loaded moderation?

No. All classes should be enrolled as one assessment group. An agreed sample is required for the entire assessment group.

Are all grade levels required for front loaded moderation?

No. A sample is required for each grade band (A, B, C, D, E) with a maximum number of five samples. For example one A sample (A+, A or A-) is required, one B sample (B+, B or B-) etc. If the assessment group does not have a sample at every grade level an additional sample is required at one of the grade bands already selected. The minimum number of samples that can be submitted is three.

Does a work sample need to be complete to be submitted?

No. Front loaded moderation occurs in the middle of the semester so there is no expectation that work is completed. As such, teachers will make a “point in time” assessment decision for that piece of work. It is possible that the final grade resulted for the student may be different to the point in time grade indicated at the time of front loaded moderation due to this.