Global | Art Show | 2022 | Gallery | Chantell Saunders
Chantell Saunders
Dragons of Tranquillity
"After the SACE art show, I was inspired to base my first practical around dragons and culture as it is something I have always been heavily invested in. This led me towards a variety of artists who focus primarily on dragons and work in a variety of mediums. Most of the artists I’d chosen had work featuring traditional eastern dragons. The artists Chen Rong, Keisuke Teshima, and Ami James, all inspired me to further investigate Chinese dragons and compare them with European dragons. While European dragons mostly represent aggression and war, Chinese dragons represent peace and tranquillity."
Media Gallery

SACE | 2022 Art Show | Community Awards | Artist profile Info Box - DO NOT DELETE
Voting for the 2022 Credit Union SA Community Award is now closed.