Global | Art Show | 2022 | Gallery | Jasmine Meldrum
Jasmine Meldrum
The Women Who Came Before Me
"'The Women Who Came Before Me' is a tribute to the women who paved the way for me to become the person I am today. I wanted this body of work to be a ‘thank you’ to my mother and grandmother who have granted me with every opportunity they could. I wanted to encapsulate in my drawings the power and strength they behold, in addition to their kind and nurturing manner. I created these portraits in a way that clearly depicts three generations and the connection we all share. Through my body of work, I set out to effectively showcase the impacts that they both have had on my life and development."
Media Gallery

SACE | 2022 Art Show | Community Awards | Artist profile Info Box - DO NOT DELETE
Voting for the 2022 Credit Union SA Community Award is now closed.