Innovating the SACE | UPDATE FOR MAY 2

Innovating the SACE

While we don’t want to feel daunted by how fast the world is spinning, it's important to acknowledge that globalisation, technology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience and automation are causing major disruption to how we all live, learn and work. 

This is having a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of young people, and is crucial to their ability to thrive. 

Many of these forces are also opportunities for us to work on solutions together. Creating a qualification that can stand up to this level of change is crucial if we are to give young people the skills, capabilities, knowledge and understanding that will help them live, connect, learn and earn well throughout their lives. 

Over the past three years, working together with over 150 schools, we have been testing different approaches to teaching, learning and assessment. 

At its heart, the SACE strategic plan is about giving every learner the capability to: 

Open doors: find opportunities 
By pursuing ideas, creating new paths, getting things done and setting the pace. 

Stretch minds: through global curiosity 
By knowing more than facts and figures, pausing to think and asking why. 

Strengthen ownership: grasp responsibilities 
By identifying strengths and opportunities, and embracing failure as a first attempt in learning. 

Embrace perspectives: honour difference 
By growing awareness of different actions and recognising the impact they may have.

Share success: with communities 
By forming connections with people and teams who have different ways of knowing and being. 

We are building a qualification for a changing world through four key strategic projects. 

  • Subject renewal 
  • Quality assurance 
  • Capabilities and Learner Profile 
  • Recognition of Aboriginal Cultural Knowledge and Learning.