Innovating | Capabilities & Learner Profile | What are the SACE specific capabilities | UPDATE FOR MAY 2

What are the SACE specific capabilities?

All schools are already involved in developing young peoples’ general capabilities through the Australian Curriculum and SACE curriculum.

For senior secondary students, the SACE Board have developed specific capabilities in partnership with schools, further education and industry representatives. Emerging learning from national work and the SACE pilots have demonstrated there is a unique space for senior secondary capabilities, that align to the Australian Curriculum General Capabilities, that support better matching to the diversity of graduating students’ post-school pathways. We are piloting their formal recognition with schools across South Australia, the Northern Territory, and SACE International. We have also developed two new subjects  Stage 1 Exploring Identities and Futures Stage 2 Activating Identities and Futures which provide greater opportunities for students to develop capabilities along with their subject learning. 

Personal enterprise

Open doors: find opportunities 
By pursuing ideas and creating new paths, getting things done and setting the pace.

Quality thinking

Stretch minds: through global curiosity 
By knowing more than facts and figures, pausing to think and asking why. 

Self-motivated learning

Strengthen ownership: grasp responsibilities 
By identifying strengths and opportunities, embracing failure as a first attempt in learning. 

Principled action

Embrace perspectives: honour difference 
By growing awareness of different actions and decisions, recognising the impact they may have. 

Collective engagement

Share success: with communities 
By forming connections with people and teams who have different ways of knowing and being.