Innovating the SACE | Capabilities & Learner Profile | Who will benefit? | UPDATED FOR MAY 2

Who will benefit?

Discover some of the benefits of developing, recognising and certifying capabilities.


  • Formal recognition of learning undertaken inside and outside the classroom 
  •  Development of capabilities valued by employers and tertiary education providers
  • An alternative pathway to tertiary education
  • Information to support job applications
  • Broader recognition of achievement
  • Higher levels of co-agency


  • Enhanced learning and assessment design
  • Higher levels of student engagement in learning
  • Authentic learning partnerships with students
  • A broader and more inclusive assessment of student success
  • Higher levels of co-agency


  • A set of metrics that enable teachers, schools, and the community to monitor and evaluate the success of schooling in supporting learners to thrive, at school and beyond
  • Authentic student engagement and connectedness to SACE, school, learning and pathways.


  • A qualification that better captures evidence of students’ knowledge, skills, capabilities and other attributes that is trusted and connects students to industry sectors and other pathways.


  • Additional model to assess student eligibility for tertiary education courses.
  • Better matching of students to courses and better retention
  • Diversity in the university student population
  • Fairer access


  • Supporting students to be work ready   
  • Better matching of student capabilities to careers 
  • Better information to support selection and recruitment processes