Teaching the SACE | Resulting | Online submission of materials | FAQs

FAQs - Online submission of materials

All subjects with an external investigation will be submitted online. School assessment materials for all subjects will be submitted online.

Electronic files

What is the best way to store files for easy upload to Schools Online?

We recommend you create a final subject folder and add final versions of student work throughout the year. If it is in the accepted file name and file format, it will be easy to upload to Schools Online via the 'drag and drop' method. See our tutorial videos to learn best practice for preparing files, how to upload files and use new features of results sheets.

Can files be uploaded from a cloud storage provider (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive) directly into Schools Online?

No, you cannot upload files directly from cloud storage systems at present. We recommend that if you are working with cloud storage systems use one of the following methods:

  • download the ZIP file from the storage provider, unzip it to a local / temporary location, and drag and drop files from there into Schools Online, or
  • install a Dropbox desktop client on your computer and drag the relevant files directly from the local Dropbox folder into Schools Online.

Can I use Learning Management Systems (e.g. Daymap, Turnitin, Compass) to upload files to Schools Online directly?

No, Schools Online does not integrate with school-based systems.  

You may need to set up appropriate folders and locations to submit materials and consider engaging School ICT staff to provide technical support during this process.

Can I submit files in any format?

No. The range of accepted file formats is designed to ensure that markers and moderators will be able to assess student work using commonly available software.  There is a high risk that work in files other the accepted formats cannot be assessed or moderated. 

Refer to accepted file names and accepted file formats.

What is the best file format for written student materials?

It is recommended to save files in a PDF format so that its contents will not change. 

What should I do if the student work was not submitted in an accepted file format?

You will need to save (or convert) the file to an accepted file format. Popular formats for this purpose include PDF, PowerPoint, image and video (including screen capture).

Will Schools Online accept work that is not created using Microsoft Office 2010?

Yes, the SACE Board recognises that student work may be created in versions of Microsoft Office that are older or newer than the 2010 version. It is important to recognise that this may result in cosmetic variations to the way in which student work appears. These cosmetic variations will have no impact on student assessment outcomes.

Will Schools Online accept work that is not documented using Adobe Creative Suite CS5?

Yes. The SACE Board recognises that student work may be created in versions of Adobe that are older or newer than the CS5 suite. It is important to recognise that this may result in changes to the way in which student work appears. These cosmetic variations will have no impact on student assessment outcomes.

If schools prefer, an alternative good practice is to ensure work is published in the final formats such as PDF, image, video, SWF, website ZIP.  

Can I submit a link to a website, blog or other online hosted content?

No. It is important that the submitted work is the same as the work assessed by the teacher. Due to the volatile nature of web content, this may not always be the case. We suggest converting the web content to an accepted file format for online submission. 

How can I submit a website?

Websites can be submitted as a ZIP archive (file). The website must be entirely self-contained within the local files from the ZIP archive and does not require third party or other online hosted content. This must be a static website (JavaScript allowed), not a dynamic website relying on server-side programming or database access.

It is important to note that the files will be launched as 'index.htm' or 'index.html' in order to open the website from its root (please make sure that this file exists).

It is necessary that the submitted work is the same as the work assessed by the teacher - this cannot be guaranteed with dynamic hosted content.

How can I submit a video?

Videos should be uploaded directly where possible rather than embedded in ZIPs.  In the case of a website that references video files, then yes. A video must be kept within the ZIP for the hierarchical references to be valid when the moderator or marker extracts it.

Can I scan materials?

Yes, you can scan and submit materials, including images or PDF files, for online submission; however, scanning of paper materials will add an additional step to your processing. We recommend that you ask students to submit their work in an accepted file format with an accepted file name.

Stage 2 teachers are encouraged to review their learning and assessment plan and consider any changes that:
- take advantage of the opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in electronic ways, and
- ensure you can directly upload student work to Schools Online without scanning.

Can a ZIP file be uploaded directly to Schools Online?

Yes, if the ZIP file name has an accepted file name and contains files with accepted file formats, Schools Online will allow the upload.

What will happen if the file name or format isn't accepted?

Uploading files that are not named correctly, or have an incompatible format, or contain a virus will be rejected. If files are rejected, teachers will need to check the file name and format then upload again. A dialogue box will appear on your screen advising that the file upload was unsuccessful.

You need to rename or convert the file into an accepted file format.

Will Schools Online protect school networks from any viruses?

Schools Online will automatically scan files for viruses and will reject any infected files. School ICT staff may need to consider how they support you to remove viruses from infected files.

Can there be a space in the file name?

Only in the free text section of the file name. The student registration number, subject code and assessment type code should all be separated by a dash (-).

See examples of accepted file names.

How should the free text section of the file name be completed? 

Free text is mandatory and students should include further identifying details of the assessment task at the end of the file name.

See below for examples of accepted file names.  

  • 123456X-2HEH20-AT4-Sustainability
  • 987654X-2STU20-AT2-CollaborativePitch
  • 987654R-2BGY20-AT1-EnzymePrac

What is the largest file size that can be uploaded and will my school have adequate bandwidth to manage this upload?

Schools Online does not limit file size. Your school's IT manager may need to consider how to support you with the uploading of very large files, for example, large files could be compressed to smaller more manageable file sizes.

The SACE Board cannot confirm if your school will have adequate bandwidth. The demand on bandwidth will depend on the many factors that may be occurring at the school at any given time. For this process the amount of data being uploaded will depend on how many enrolments your school has in these subjects and alternatively large files could be uploaded overnight if bandwidth is an issue during school hours.

How do students reduce video file sizes?

Students can follow this step-by-step guide [PDF 948KB] on how to reduce video file sizes by downloading the HandBrake application.  

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Uploading materials - General information

Can I submit materials throughout the year?

No, materials can only be submitted when the Results Sheets are available in Schools Online.

Can I submit my students' materials all at the same time?

Yes, teachers can submit students' materials all at the same time, as long as files have accepted file name and accepted file formats. Where possible, it is highly recommended that all written tasks for an individual student in an assessment type is uploaded as a single PDF file.

How will I know if my student files have been successfully submitted?

Your student files have been successfully submitted if you can send the completed Result Sheet to the Principal's Delegate as per the current Results Sheet process.

Can I change results or materials submitted after I have submitted my results sheet to the Principal's Delegate?

If the Result Sheet has not been submitted to the SACE Board then your Principal's Delegate can return the Result Sheet to you for editing. 

If a change needs to be made after the Result Sheet has been submitted to the SACE Board, the Principal's Delegate will need to contact the SACE Board and make arrangements.

From Term 1 2023, administration fees may be charged for late class changes, late results changes, and incorrect submission of materials, for Stage 2 that occur after the results sheets are closed. Please refer to the SACE Board of South Australia (Fees) Notice [PDF 131KB] for information on charges. SACE Coordinators will need to contact the askSACE team to complete and submit a Late Stage 2 Changes form.

Will files need to be reloaded if there is a loss of internet connection during the upload of student materials?

No.  In the event of temporary loss of internet connection (e.g. WiFi interference or modem reset) the upload process will be suspended. The upload process will automatically resume on reconnection, without losing progress.

If the browser tab you're uploading through is closed (e.g. computer restart) then you must manually recommence the process by dragging and dropping the files again. The system will resume where it left off without losing progress.

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Uploading materials - School assessment materials

Have I submitted all school assessment materials required for moderation?

Teachers can refer to the following checklists:

If the file(s) uploaded represent only one task for the assessment type but the subject outline requires three tasks be submitted for that assessment type, then moderation may not be able to proceed.

Schools Online will accept a single file or multiple files using the correct file-naming format. You are responsible for submitting all tasks for all assessment types within the files you have uploaded.

Can I submit school assessment materials for all my students?

No, the system will only accept materials that relate directly to the moderation sample.

If a file is submitted with the wrong assessment type code (e.g. AT2 instead of AT1), will it be accepted and will a moderator be able to identify the sample of work correctly?

If a file is submitted in the correct file-naming format but the assessment code is incorrect, the file will be accepted by Schools Online. However, the moderator may not recognise the error. You are responsible for checking each file is named correctly before submitting materials in Schools Online.

It is important to ensure all files are submitted correctly, and particularly before the deadline for submission. From Term 1 2023, fees may be charged for incorrect submission of assessment materials after the results sheets are closed. Please refer to the SACE Board of South Australia (Fees) Notice [PDF 131KB] for information on charges. SACE Coordinators will need to contact the askSACE team to complete and submit a Late Stage 2 Changes form.

What is a Performance Standard Record or PSR?

A Performance Standard Record (PSR) is completed by the teacher in the School Assessment results sheets in Schools Online.  This gives a record of the overall achievement for each student in the moderation sample against the subject performance standards for the relevant specific features in that assessment type. The PSR should reflect the grade given to the student for that assessment type.  

Once submitted online the student's school assessment result, corresponding PSR, and student materials are made available to subject moderation panels.

You are only required to complete a PSR for students selected in the sample.

Do I need to complete a Performance Standard Record (PSR) for each assessment task submitted for moderation?

No, the PSR is required for each assessment type. This means that if several assessment tasks are submitted for an assessment type only one PSR is completed to reflect the student's overall achievement for the assessment type.

Do I submit my teachers pack i.e. Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) and assessment tasks sheets with my moderation materials?

Yes, except for Research Project, you will need to upload the following in the Teacher Materials section of the result sheet:

  • approved learning and assessment plan (LAP) and addendum if applicable,
  • a complete set of task sheets for each assessment type listed in the approved learning and assessment plan

For subjects which involve calculations (e.g. Mathematical Methods or Physics) solutions must be included to enable moderators to review teacher’s decisions without having to mark student work.

A file naming convention is not required for teacher materials, however, clear file names, such as 'Philosophy LAP' and 'Task 1, 2....' should be used.

How do I let the SACE Board know a student's moderation sample is incomplete (due to Special Provisions, Missing Tasks, or Incomplete Tasks)?

If, to meet the sample selection parameters, it is necessary to include the work of a student with missing materials in the assessment type, you will need to provide the Variations - Moderation Materials (VMM) information directly into the School Assessment Online Results Sheet in Schools Online.

Where possible, please select another student whose work reliably demonstrates achievement at the same grade level.

How do I submit a Variations - Moderation Materials (VMM) form with my School Assessment materials?

You can provide this information directly into Schools Online via the School Assessment Online Results Sheet for selected students in the sample.

The paper based VMM form is no longer required.

If I suspect that a student has plagiarised their work, do I still upload it for moderation?

If, to meet the sample selection parameters, it is necessary to include the work of a student who has been penalised due to a breach of rules in the assessment type, you will provide the Variations - Moderation Materials (VMM) information directly into Schools Online.

Where there is a breach of rules in a school assessment task(s) please select, where possible, another student whose work reliably demonstrates achievement at the same grade level.

Am I required to upload the same group performance i.e. the same audio or video recording for each student selected in the Stage 2 moderation sample?

Yes, one audio or video recording can be submitted for all students selected in the sample. This audio or video recording can be uploaded in the teacher materials section of the result sheet.

A Student Identification Sheet [DOC 38KB] arrow-right-circ should also be uploaded in the student materials section of the result sheet for each student selected in the sample. This is used to identify individuals in the group.

Is it mandatory to include assessment feedback, marks, grades, performance standards or task sheets in the student work for school assessment?

For subjects in which mathematical calculations are a requirement of assessment, all mathematical calculations in student materials submitted for moderation must be marked clearly indicating the level of correctness of each computation.

For subjects that do not require mathematical calculations,  there is no requirement for student work to include feedback, grades, performance standards or task sheets. However, it is recommended that they are included to assist moderators.

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Uploading materials - External assessment materials

For the external assessment investigations, student work must not be annotated with comments, ticks, corrections, or results information. It must be a clean copy.

Do I need to submit a cover sheet for external assessment online submission subjects?

No - cover sheets are not required, however the investigation topic/issue/question must be identified on the front page of the investigation. However, a cover sheet can be used should the school, teacher or student wishes.

SACE Registration number, Subject and Assessment Type details are contained in the file name (see accepted file names for more information).

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SACE support

If I have a question, is there someone who I can contact?

If you require assistance in using, or accessing, Schools Online for results entry you can contact your principal's delegate.

Information on Online Submission is updated regularly with training videos and support materials for schools.  If further assistance is required, you can email askSACE@sa.gov.au or phone on 1300 322 920 between 8.30 am to 5 pm (Australian Central Standard Time) Monday to Friday.

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