Stage 2 | Assessment Type 3: Examination (1)

Biology Stage 2
Assessment Type 3: Examination

Exam External assessment Weighting: 30%

The Biology examination is an e-exam that is assessed externally. See the calendar for the date of the examination.

Students undertake a 130-minute examination. Stage 2 science inquiry skills and science understanding from all Stage 2 Biology topics may be assessed. 

The examination questions will be of different types and:

  • may require students to show an understanding of science as a human endeavour
  • may require students to apply their science understanding from more than one topic.

All specific features of the assessment design criteria for this subject may be assessed in the external examination.

Student work should be their own. See Supervision and verification of student work.


Preparing for the exam

There are many ways to prepare for an exam. Resources specifically for Biology are available below.

Stage 2 | Assessment Type 3: Examination (2)

Past exams

Content in past exams may not be reflective of content in future exams.

Stage 2 | Assessment Type 3: Examination (3)

Sample exams

Sample exams better reflect the types of questions students may be asked in future electronic exams. Questions may include media types which have not been possible in a paper exam (e.g. watching a video and responding).

Sample exams may not be provided for each year. They are only published when there is a significant change to the exam, like a new question type or new functionality.

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