Stage 2 | Subject outline | Version control

Community Connections Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 3.0
For teaching in 2024. Accredited in June 2021. 

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Information and communication technology (ICT)

Information and communication technology (ICT) capability

In this subject, students extend and apply their ICT capability by, for example:

  • understanding how contemporary information and communication technologies affect communication
  • critically analysing the limitations and impacts of current technologies
  • considering the implications of potential technologies
  • communicating and sharing ideas and information, to collaboratively construct knowledge and digital solutions
  • defining and planning information searches of a range of primary and secondary sources when investigating the community activity/community application activity or undertaking tasks in the area or field of study
  • developing an understanding of hardware and software components, and operations of appropriate systems, including their functions, processes, and devices related to the area or field of study
  • applying information and communication technology knowledge and skills to a range of methods to collect and process data, and transmit and produce information
  • learning to manage and manipulate electronic sources of data, databases, and software applications
  • applying technologies to design and manage projects.