Modified Subjects | FAQs

Modified Subjects FAQs

Who can enrol in Modified Subjects?

Students are eligible to enrol in Modified Subjects on the grounds of documented or imputed disabilities that result in significant impairment in intellectual functioning and/or adaptive behaviours, which

  1. cannot be addressed through reasonable adjustments under the Special Provisions in Curriculum and Assessment Policy
  2. mean the student cannot meet, and/or provide evidence against, the performance standards of SACE subjects at C/C- level or higher because of their disability,
  3. are, or will be, recorded on the NCCD database as requiring extensive or substantial adjustments that require very high levels of support

Decisions about eligibility for Modified Subjects are evidence based and considered on a case-by-case basis. For more information about eligibility, refer to the SACE Modified Subjects Policy and Information Sheet 17.

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Should all students with disabilities be enrolled in Modified Subjects?

No. Most students with disability are able to meet the C-/C standard of the SACE with adjustments made using the Special Provisions in Curriculum and Assessment Policy. Each student should be considered on a case-by-case basis according to their needs.

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Is a formal diagnosis of disability needed to determine eligibility?

No. While a diagnosis is helpful, it is not crucial. A range of evidence can be used to impute a disability.

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How is eligibility for Modified Subjects determined?

Eligibility is determined on the grounds documented or imputed disabilities that result in significant impairment in intellectual functioning and/or adaptive behaviours.

Evidence can be drawn from a range of sources:

  • professional and medical information
  • teacher observations of the student
  • observed difficulties in assessment and learning contexts
  • level of adjustment provided to the student
  • student work samples

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Who makes decisions about eligibility and enrolment?

The school determines whether there is sufficient evidence for eligibility.

Enrolment can only occur with the consent of the student and/or parent/carer. The decision to enrol a student in Modified Subjects should be made collaboratively by the student (where appropriate), teachers, parents/carers, and other significant people in the student’s life (e.g. school/sector personnel/agency or community support providers).

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If a student is granted eligibility for Stage 1, does eligibility continue for Stage 2?


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What is the difference between special provisions and Modified Subjects?

Adjustments under the Special Provisions in Curriculum and Assessment Policy, are reasonable adjustments in curriculum and assessment that enable eligible students to participate in SACE curriculum and assessment on the same basis as other students. Adjustments might, for example, include; extension of a deadline, additional time for a test or examination, an adjustment to font size or paper colour or the use of assistive technology. The knowledge, skills and standards of subjects are maintained.

Modified Subjects is intended for the small group of students with disabilities whose learning needs cannot be sufficiently addressed through the flexibilities of SACE subjects and/or with reasonable adjustments under the Special Provisions in Curriculum and Assessment Policy. Personal learning goals and a focus on the development of capabilities are the basis for learning and assessment in Modified Subjects, rather than learning requirements and performance standards as for other SACE subjects. Results of Modified Subjects are reported as 'completed' or 'not completed' rather than A to E or A+ to E-.

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Can a student do a combination of modified and other SACE subjects, programs and courses?

Yes. Students can do a combination of modified and other subjects, programs and courses as appropriate to the student’s learning needs.

Some of the more flexible SACE subjects, such as Community Studies, Workplace Practices and Integrated Learning may provide an appropriate curriculum and assessment option for some students who are eligible to enrol in Modified Subjects. Students may also engage in VET courses or community developed programs along with SACE subjects.

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How are students assessed in Modified Subjects?

Teachers work with students to develop challenging, achievable and meaningful personalised learning goals that meet the individual learning needs of each student. Students create evidence of learning against their personal learning goals. Evidence of learning will be different for each student. Some students may produce primary assessment evidence, which can be in many and varied modes. For some students secondary evidence such as; observations, written, audio and/or visual records, may be supplied by teachers, aides and external providers.

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How is Modified Subjects quality assured?

Modified subjects that meet the compulsory requirements of the SACE are subject to a review process which confirms that students have met their learning goals.

Results are reported on the Record of Achievement and SACE certificate, along with the following statement: 'This student has fulfilled the requirements of this qualification using one or more modified subject'.

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Can Modified Subjects contribute towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)?

No. Stage 2 Modified Subjects are not Tertiary Admission Subjects and therefore cannot contribute towards an ATAR. ATAR arrangements are made by the universities through the South Australian Tertiary Admission Centre (SATAC).

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Where can I go for more information?

For more information, see your school's SACE coordinator.

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