Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Versions control

Physical Education Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in November 2017 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2020. 

Stage 2 | Graphic Banner

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Subject description

Subject description

Physical Education may be undertaken as a 10‑credit subject or a 20‑credit subject at Stage 1, and as a 20‑credit subject at Stage 2.

Through Physical Education, students explore the participation in and performance of human physical activities. It is an experiential subject in which students explore their physical capacities and investigate the factors that influence and improve participation and performance outcomes, which lead to greater movement confidence and competence. An integrated approach to learning in Physical Education supports an Arnoldian1 educational framework that promotes deep learning ‘in, through, and about’ physical activity. The application of this framework ensures students make meaning of the cognitive and psychomotor processes fundamental to the learning of physical activity.

Education ‘in’ physical activity involves students making meaning of personal movement experiences. Through these movement experiences, students engage in thoughtful participation where skills of internal reflection and articulation of learning progress are developed. These movement experiences involve students in the assessment process and this in turn enhances their metacognition.

Education ‘through’ physical activity involves students using movement to strengthen their personal, intellectual, and social skill development. Such skill development allows students to engage more purposefully in physical activity. Students use physical activity contexts as the vehicle for developing the capabilities and skills necessary to reflect on and critique their learning in order to enhance participation and performance outcomes.

Education ‘about’ physical activity involves students developing an understanding of biophysical, psychological, and sociocultural domains through participation in physical activity. The biophysical domain includes learning and applying exercise physiology and biomechanical concepts. The psychological domain develops an understanding of skill acquisition and learning theory concepts. The socio‑cultural domain develops knowledge and understanding of, and skills to take responsible action related to, barriers, enablers, equity, and inclusivity in physical activity. These domains are developed through the exploration of movement concepts and strategies within physical activity contexts.

Physical activities can include sports, theme‑based games, laboratories, and fitness and recreational activities. Classes can undertake a single‑focus approach (e.g. single sport) or can undertake multiple sports, games, and/or activities.

1 Arnold, PJ 1979, Meaning in movement, sport and physical education, Heinemann, London.
Arnold, PJ 1988, Education, movement and the curriculum: a philosophic inquiry, Falmer Press, London.

Global | Subject outline | Capabilities


The capabilities connect student learning within and across subjects in a range of contexts.

The SACE identifies seven capabilities.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Literacy


In this subject students extend and apply their literacy capability by, for example:

  • critically analysing and evaluating primary and secondary data
  • extracting, interpreting, and evaluating information presented in a variety of formats
  • using a range of communication formats to express ideas logically and fluently
  • using accurate and appropriate subject terminology to interpret and explain concepts, and synthesise information.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Numeracy


In this subject students extend and apply their numeracy capability by, for example:

  • measuring and recording the performance of physical activities with appropriate instruments and technology
  • collating, representing, and analysing both primary and secondary data
  • using calculations and critical thinking skills to identify and solve problems
  • applying spatial awareness and understanding in the participation and performance of physical activities
  • identifying and interpreting trends and relationships to draw conclusions or make recommendations.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | ICT capability

Information and communication technology (ICT) capability

In this subject students extend and apply their ICT capability by, for example:

  • exploring and accessing information using a variety of technologies
  • collecting, analysing, and representing data and visual evidence electronically
  • investigating, appraising, and using technology for the collection of evidence and analysis of the performance of physical activities
  • communicating ideas, processes, and information about the performance of physical activities
  • understanding and evaluating the application of ICT in performance of physical activities.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Critical and creative thinking

Critical and creative thinking

In this subject students extend and apply their critical and creative thinking capability by, for example:

  • analysing and interpreting challenges from different perspectives
  • creating, reviewing, and refining physical activities to improve participation and performance
  • collecting evidence and feedback to monitor the success of implemented strategies over time, and applying modifications and proposing future recommendations
  • evaluating data to improve the participation and performance of physical activities
  • analysing information and interpretations, for validity and reliability
  • envisaging consequences and making reasonable predictions about possible outcomes during or in relation to the participation and performance of physical activities
  • developing knowledge and understanding through participation in physical activity, and applying this knowledge to critically reflect on their own and others’ participation and performance
  • identifying problems and areas for improvement, and developing innovative solutions.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Personal and social capability

Personal and social capability

In this subject students extend and apply their personal and social capability by, for example:

  • understanding the importance of participation and performance of physical activities for health and well-being
  • demonstrating collaboration and initiative
  • working and communicating effectively with others and respecting the perspectives of others
  • planning effectively, managing time, and demonstrating responsible risk management
  • exploring barriers and enablers to physical activity and identifying how personal factors may influence participation and performance
  • developing and implementing strategies that build confidence and motivation, and improve the learning environment, for themselves and others
  • evaluating and justifying the success of their role in assisting others to be effective participants in physical activities
  • analysing the collective contribution made by a team in enhancing the learning experience for all participants
  • being receptive to changes in thinking based on new information and practices in the performance of physical activities.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Ethical understanding

Ethical understanding

In this subject students extend and apply their ethical understanding capability by, for example:

  • making and evaluating ethical decisions in relation to the integrity of physical activities
  • developing strategies that promote equity and inclusivity in a range of physical activities
  • analysing data and reporting the outcomes of the performance of physical activities accurately and fairly
  • applying the codes of practice in the participation and performance of human physical activities
  • analysing equity issues in the participation and performance of physical activities and developing the capacity to take responsible social action.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Intercultural understanding

Intercultural understanding

In this subject students extend and apply their intercultural understanding capability by, for example:

  • understanding that participation and performance of physical activities is a global endeavour with significant contributions from diverse cultures
  • respecting how different cultural or religious beliefs may influence how people participate in physical activities
  • identifying how social and cultural factors may encourage or inhibit participation in physical activities
  • participating in physical activities to investigate how social and cultural factors affect or are influenced by participation
  • understanding how physical activities can contribute to Reconciliation actions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Global | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, cultures, and perspectives

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, cultures, and perspectives

In partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and schools and school sectors, the SACE Board of South Australia supports the development of high-quality learning and assessment design that respects the diverse knowledge, cultures, and perspectives of Indigenous Australians.

The SACE Board encourages teachers to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and perspectives in the design, delivery, and assessment of teaching and learning programs by:

  • providing opportunities in SACE subjects for students to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, and contemporary experiences
  • recognising and respecting the significant contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Australian society
  • drawing students’ attention to the value of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and perspectives from the past and the present
  • promoting the use of culturally appropriate protocols when engaging with and learning from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.  

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Learning requirements

Learning requirements

The learning requirements summarise the knowledge, skills, and understanding that students are expected to develop and demonstrate through their learning in Stage 2 Physical Education.

In this subject, students are expected to:

  1. apply knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies in physical activity using subject‑specific terminology
  2. apply evidence to inform the implementation of strategies to improve participation and/or performance in physical activity
  3. reflect on and evaluate participation and/or performance improvement
  4. apply collaborative skills in physical activity contexts
  5. analyse and evaluate evidence related to physical activity
  6. evaluate implemented strategies.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Content


Stage 2 Physical Education is a 20‑credit subject.

Focus areas

Stage 2 Physical Education has three focus areas:

  • Focus Area 1: In movement
  • Focus Area 2: Through movement
  • Focus Area 3: About movement.

The focus areas provide the narrative for the knowledge, skills, and capabilities that students develop. Learning is delivered through an integrated approach where opportunities are provided for students to undertake, and learn through, a wide range of authentic physical activities (e.g. sports, theme‑based games, laboratories, and fitness and recreational activities). Students explore movement concepts and strategies through these physical activities to promote and improve participation and performance outcomes. These movement concepts and strategies include:

  • body awareness
  • movement quality
  • spatial awareness
  • relationships
  • executing movement
  • creating space
  • interactions
  • making decisions.

The application of a conceptual framework that promotes deep learning in, through, and about physical activity ensures that students make meaning of the cognitive and psychomotor processes fundamental to the learning of physical activity.

Students investigate improvements in human physical activity from a participation and/or performance perspective. This flexibility enables socio‑cultural aspects such as inclusivity and equity to be integrated throughout learning activities. Students apply their understanding of movement concepts to evaluate aspects of their own or others’ physical activity and implement strategies to improve their participation and/or performance. Opportunities for students to reflect on their own movement experiences allow them to make greater meaning of these experiences.

The use of technology is integral to the collection of data such as video footage, heart rates, fitness batteries, and game statistics. Students apply their understanding of movement concepts to evaluate the data and implement strategies to improve participation and/or performance.

The focus areas can be studied in any order, independently or concurrently. Teachers select key ideas from each of the three focus areas that reflect the interests and skills of the student cohort, and integrate these across the learning program and the three assessment types. Teachers may allocate more time to some focus areas than others, providing flexibility in student learning through the depth and detail in which each focus area is studied.

Guidelines for physical activities

An emphasis is placed on human participation and performance in physical activity.

The following are not permitted for physical activities:

  • activities that involve violence (perceived or actual), such as boxing, or the use of firearms
  • activities that rely on motorised assistance, such as go‑karting.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Content | Focus Area 1: In movement

Focus Area 1: In movement

Education ‘in’ physical activity is about students making meaning of personal movement experiences. Through these movement experiences, students must engage in thoughtful participation where internal reflection and articulation of learning progress can be established.

Key ideas

Application of energy sources affecting physical performance.
  • the contribution of energy systems in specific activities
  • the interplay of energy systems
  • energy contributions and fatigue

Application of the effects of training on physical performance.

  • analysis of the demands of physical activity
  • measurement and monitoring of fitness and energy components relevant to participation and performance
  • training principles and methods specific to fitness factors and to physical activities
  • chronic adaptations related to training methods

How does biomechanics affect physical activity and movement.

  • generating force — sequential force, anthropometry, Newton’s laws
  • speed and motion in sport — motion, inertia, momentum 
  • achieving distance — leverage, angle and speed of release
  • achieving and maintaining equilibrium — dynamic and static

Practical application of learning theories.

  • coaching methodologies — linear and non linear
  • socio-cultural considerations around constraints of games
  • ethical strategies to promote integrity and fair participation
  • game-based approaches and pedagogies (e.g. Game Sense, TGfU) and how they can be explored and manipulated to enhance inclusivity and equity
  • sports education model

Psychology of sporting performance.
  • the role of feedback and its effect on learning and performance
  • giving and receiving feedback

Analysis of movement concepts and strategies.
  • making sense of movement concepts and strategies to improve participation and/or performance
  • application of concepts and strategies in unfamiliar contexts

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Content | Focus Area 2: Through movement

Focus Area 2: Through movement

Education ‘through’ physical activity is about students using movement for personal, intellectual, and social competencies. Such competencies will allow students to engage more purposefully in physical activity. Students use physical activity contexts as the vehicle for developing their competencies to reflect on and critique their learning in order to enhance participation and performance outcomes.



Key ideas

Social psychology
  • group dynamics
  • team‑building strategies — communication, leadership, norms, rules
  • personal well‑being — growth mindset, character strengths

Psychology of sporting performance

  • neurochemical balance
  • perception of effort (PoE)
  • strategies to improve an athlete’s relationship with PoE
  • goal‑setting strategies — process goals, outcome goals, and performance goals
  • mental‑rehearsal strategies — mental rehearsal of the entire performance, visualisation of one aspect of skill execution prior to performance, and internal and external perspectives of imagery 
  • positive self‑talk strategies including using positive cue words and positive emotions to create self‑belief 
  • self‑confidence strategies — identifying how thoughts can affect self‑confidence, e.g. situation, thoughts, emotions and reactions, using affirmations to change personal reactions to situations

Barriers and enablers to physical activity

  • personal strategies, e.g. enabling choice of activities to suit personal preference; acknowledging individual attitudes, values, and beliefs
  • social strategies, e.g. grouping and team selection, performance environment modifications, manipulation of rules and constraints in physical activity
  • cultural strategies, e.g. community promotion and engagement related to physical activity, media and marketing strategies, rules, policies, and procedures, risk assessment within a school setting

Collaboration for physical activity purposes


  • application of collaborative skills to suit the physical activity context, e.g. communication, building shared understanding, collectively contributing, regulating behaviour.
  • utilising collaborative strategies to achieve common goals related to physical activity

Evidence of participation or performance in physical activity


  • types of data
  • validity and reliability
  • quantitative and qualitative evidence
  • comparative analysis, e.g. causation versus correlation, positive and negative trends, percentage change

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Content | Focus Area 3: About movement

Focus Area 3: About movement

Education ‘about’ physical activity enables students to develop theoretical knowledge to understand the richness and diversity of movement experiences. Students apply their knowledge to real‑life experiences to evaluate participation and performance outcomes.

Key ideas

Energy sources affecting physical performance.
  • sources of macronutrients for activity
  • nutrition and performance
  • aerobic and anaerobic energy — ATP–CP system, lactic acid system, oxygen system

Physiological factors affecting physical performance.

  • body stature and composition
  • barriers and enablers created by location, environment, and resource availability
  • fatigue and physical performance

The effects of training on physical performance.

  • body systems
  • acute response to physical activity
  • chronic adaptations to aerobic and anaerobic training

Technological developments in biomechanics.

  • current technology in biomechanics
  • the influence of technological developments on learning, performance development, and performance enhancement

Psychological motor‑learning theories.
  • cognitive theory perspective
  • ecological (dynamic systems) theory perspective
  • other learning theories
  • comparing theories

The learning process.
  • information processing model and perceptual motor workspace
  • signal detection, selective attention, attentional focus

The learning journey.
  • stages of learning — cognitive and ecological

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Evidence of learning

Evidence of learning

All Stage 2 subjects have a school assessment component and an external assessment component.

The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in Stage 2 Physical Education:

School Assessment (70%)

  • Assessment Type 1: Diagnostics (30%)
  • Assessment Type 2: Self-improvement Portfolio (40%)

External Assessment (30%)

  • Assessment Type 3: Group Dynamics (30%).

Students should provide evidence of their learning through four or five assessments, including the external assessment component. Students undertake:

  • two or three diagnostics tasks
  • one self-improvement portfolio task
  • one group dynamics task.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Assessment design criteria

Assessment design criteria

The assessment design criteria are based on the learning requirements and are used by:

  • teachers to clarify for the student what he or she needs to learn
  • teachers and assessors to design opportunities for the student to provide evidence of his or her learning at the highest possible level of achievement.

The assessment design criteria consist of specific features that:

  • students should demonstrate in their learning
  • teachers and assessors look for as evidence that students have met the learning requirements.

For this subject the assessment design criteria are:

  • application
  • analysis and evaluation.

The specific features of these criteria are described below.

The set of assessments, as a whole, must give students opportunities to demonstrate each of the specific features by the completion of study of the subject


The specific features are as follows:

A1 Contextual application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.
A2 Application of collaborative skills in physical activity contexts.
A3 Application of evidence to inform the implementation of strategies for participation and/or performance improvement.
A4 Use of subject‑specific terminology.

Analysis and Evaluation

The specific features are as follows:

AE1 Analysis and evaluation of evidence relating to physical activity.
AE2 Reflection on and evaluation of participation and/or performance improvement.
AE3 Evaluation of implemented strategies.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | School assessment

School assessment

The school assessment component for Stage 2 Physical Education consists of two assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Diagnostics
  • Assessment Type 2: Self-improvement Portfolio.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 1: Diagnostics

Assessment Type 1: Diagnostics (30%)

Students undertake two or three diagnostics tasks.

They participate in one or more physical activities (sports, theme‑based games, fitness and recreational activities) to collect, analyse, and evaluate evidence to demonstrate contextual application of knowledge and understanding of the focus areas and movement concepts and strategies.

Students extend and apply skills in collecting reliable and ethical evidence, including the use of technology (e.g. apps and video analysis tools), existing data collection methods (e.g. standardised fitness tests, GPAI), and/or developing their own data‑collection tools.

Diagnostics tasks can include key ideas and considerations from one or more focus areas such as:

  • the effect of the interplay of energy systems on physical performance and recovery
  • the role of fitness testing in the measurement and monitoring of fitness
  • biomechanical analysis and evaluation of a performer compared to an elite performer
  • analysing factors that affect the learning process, such as signal detection, selective attention, anticipation, and/or reaction time
  • the impact of physiological factors on physical performance, such as fatigue, anthropometry, gender, and/or body composition
  • the role of psychological strategies to enhance performance, such as perception of effort, goal setting, mental rehearsal strategies, and/or feedback methods.

Students may present evidence of their learning in various formats, for example:

  • blog or vlog
  • website or webpages
  • mock TED talk
  • infographic
  • presentation
  • video diaries
  • report incorporating analysis of practical diagnostic data and discussion of implications for performance
  • tutorials
  • collaborative investigation and presentation.

The combined evidence for two or three diagnostic tasks should be a maximum of 18 minutes for oral or multimodal presentations, or a maximum of 3000 words.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • application
  • analysis and evaluation.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 2: Improvement Analysis

Assessment Type 2: Self‑improvement Portfolio (40%)

Students undertake one self‑improvement portfolio task.

Students undertake a personal journey of improvement with a focus on a school, community‑based or individual physical activity. They reflect on their participation and/or performance to identify an aspect of physical activity for improvement. This may include a focus on physiological, biomechanical, and/or skill‑development areas related to one or more movement concepts and/or movement strategies.

Students design and implement strategies, such as plans, programs, approaches, and/or tactics, to improve the identified aspect of physical activity.

They collect evidence and/or feedback to monitor improvement and the effectiveness of the implemented strategies at regular intervals over a period of time. Students use this evidence and/or feedback to make modifications to the implemented strategies.

The self-improvement portfolio should include:

  • outline of the context through a brief introduction, which identifies the physical activity and focus area/s for improvement
  • evidence of the ongoing cycles of improvement undertaken by the student, including:
    • analysis and evaluation of evidence collected prior to and throughout the duration of the improvement process
    • application of evidence to inform the implementation of and any modifications to the strategies
    • evaluation of the implemented strategies
    • evaluation of the improvement of the identified aspect of physical activity
  • demonstrated contextual application of knowledge and understanding relevant to their focus area/s of improvement

It is recommended that the personal journey of improvement should include at least two cycles of implementation and evaluation of, strategies, collection of evidence and reflection on changes to the identified aspect for improvement.

The self‑improvement portfolio should be a maximum of 24 minutes for oral or multimodal presentations, or a maximum of 4000 words.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • application
  • analysis and evaluation.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | External assessment

External assessment

The external assessment component for Stage 2 Physical Education consists of group dynamics.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | External assessment | Assessment Type 3: Group Dynamics

Assessment Type 3: Group Dynamics (30%)

Students undertake one group dynamics task.

The purpose of this assessment type is to extend the focus of physical activity beyond the individual to investigate the impact that group members, individually and collectively, have on the participation and performance of others.

Students prepare for and participate in a selected sport or physical activity, working collaboratively with one or more other people in a group.

Students undertake at least one role within the group, demonstrating their value to the group and their learning in, through, and about the selected sport or physical activity. They evaluate and analyse the impact their role had on the participation and performance of other group member(s).

Students undertake one or more of the following roles:

Fitness coach Collect and use data to develop individual plans for group members, applying exercise physiology concepts.
Technical coach Collect and use data to develop and refine sport‑specific movement patterns for individual group members, applying exercise physiology, skill acquisition, and/or biomechanical principles.
Tactical coach Collect and use data to develop and implement sport‑specific tactics and apply transferable tactics from other sports that group members are familiar with, using skill acquisition and socio‑cultural concepts.
Motivational coach Collect and use data to develop and implement sport psychology concepts to improve group or individual performance.

Students complete an analysis and evaluation of the impact that they, as individuals, had on the participation and/or performance of other group member(s).

The analysis and evaluation should:

  • outline the context through a brief introduction, which identifies the role(s) undertaken by the student and their aims for improving the performance and/or participation of others
  • evaluate the process of improving performance and/or participation of group members, including:
    • analysis and evaluation of evidence collected prior to and throughout the duration of the group dynamics activity
    • reflection on and evaluation of performance and/or participation improvement of others
    • evaluation of the effectiveness of implemented strategies
    • evidence of the collaborative skills applied by the student.
  • demonstrate contextual application of knowledge and understanding relevant to their role(s) through the evaluation of the process

Students may present evidence of their analysis and evaluation in various formats, for example:

  • blog or vlog
  • multimedia presentation
  • screencast
  • reflective journal.

The evidence for the evaluation and analysis of the group dynamics task should be a maximum of 12 minutes for an oral or multimodal presentation, or a maximum of 2000 words.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • application  — A1, A2, A4
  • analysis and evaluation — AE1, AE2, AE3.

Global | Subject Outline | Performance Standards | Stage 2 only

Performance standards

The performance standards describe five levels of achievement, A to E. 

Each level of achievement describes the knowledge, skills, and understanding that teachers and assessors refer to in deciding how well students have demonstrated their learning on the basis of the evidence provided. 

During the teaching and learning program the teacher gives students feedback on their learning, with reference to the performance standards.

At the student’s completion of study of each school assessment type, the teacher makes a decision about the quality of the student’s learning by:

  • referring to the performance standards
  • assigning a grade between A+ and E– for the assessment type.  

The student’s school assessment and external assessment are combined for a final result, which is reported as a grade between A+ and E–.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Performance standards

Performance standards

Stage 2 performance standards for Physical Education can be viewed below. You can also download in Word format [DOC 28KB].

To learn more about what performance standards are, how they are used, and other general information, see performance standards and grades

  Application Analysis and Evaluation

Insightful and highly effective contextual application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Highly effective and focused application of collaborative skills in physical activity contexts. 

Highly strategic application of evidence to inform the implementation of strategies for participation and/or performance improvement.

Highly effective use of accurate subject-specific terminology.

Critical analysis and perceptive evaluation of evidence relating to physical activity.

Insightful reflection on and evaluation of participation and/or performance improvement.

Perceptive evaluation of implemented strategies.


Considered and mostly effective contextual application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Mostly effective application of collaborative skills in physical activity contexts. 

Strategic application of evidence to inform the implementation of strategies for participation and/or performance improvement.

Mostly effective use of accurate subject-specific terminology.

Thoughtful analysis and evaluation of evidence relating to physical activity.

Considered reflection on and evaluation of participation and/or performance improvement with some insights.

Thoughtful evaluation of implemented strategies.


Contextual application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Generally effective application of collaborative skills in physical activity contexts.

Competent application of evidence to inform the implementation of strategies for participation and/or performance improvement.

Generally effective use of subject-specific terminology.

Competent analysis, with some evaluation, of evidence relating to physical activity.

Competent reflection on, with some evaluation, of participation and/or performance improvement.

Description, with some evaluation of implemented strategies.


Some application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Some application of collaborative skills in physical activity contexts.

Some application of evidence to inform the implementation of strategies for participation and/or performance improvement.

Some use of subject-specific terminology.

Basic analysis and description of evidence relating to physical activity.

Basic reflection on and description of participation and/or performance improvement.

Description of implemented strategies.


Attempted application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Attempted application of collaborative skills in physical activity contexts.

Attempted application of evidence to inform the implementation of strategies for participation and/or performance improvement.

Attempted use of subject-specific terminology.

Attempted description of evidence relating to physical activity.

Attempted reflection on and description of participation and/or performance improvement.

Attempted description of implemented strategies.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Subject changes

Subject changes

Refer to the Summary of Subject Changes for changes to Stage 2 Physical Education in 2022.