SACE Data | Recognised Learning

Recognised learning

The reports in this category provide data about recognised learning in the SACE. This includes Vocational Education and Training (VET), school-based apprenticeships and community learning.

VET subjects are delivered, assessed and certified through Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). VET data is compiled from information supplied to the SACE Board by schools who receive the information from the RTOs. The data includes VET participation and completion by units of competency, industry, certificate level, qualification and apprenticeship.

Community learning data is also compiled from information supplied to the SACE Board by schools.

Recognised learning data is used in many ways. It can be combined with other subject results to contribute to a student's SACE. It is used by the SACE Board to monitor patterns of student engagement in the SACE, and to determine resources for workshops and support for schools.

Recognised learning reports are also provided to schools and other government bodies. It is used for the improvement of educational outcomes and the enhancement of educational practices.

To find out more about VET, community learning and other recognised learning, visit Learning on the SACE website.

SACE Data 2014 | Please note

Please note

Only students from South Australian schools are represented in the data on this website.

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