SACE Data | Enrolments | Stage 2

Stage 2 subject enrolments in the SACE

The reports in this category provide data about completed subject enrolments for Stage 2 SACE subjects in South Australia.

Most students complete Stage 1 in Year 11 and Stage 2 is typically undertaken in Year 12. To complete their SACE, students must achieve at least 200 credits. For a full-year subject students receive 20 credits and for a one-semester subject they receive 10 credits.

Schools provide their enrolment information to the SACE Board. The information helps in the analysis and planning of every aspect of the SACE. The information:

  • is integral to the processing and release of student results
  • in forms curriculum directions and the setting of exam papers
  • is vital to the logistics of moderation
  • helps the SACE Board to determine professional development required by teachers and support for schools.

SACE Board Annual Reports contain similar data for previous years. Visit the Annual Reports page to access these documents.

SACE Data 2014 | Please note

Please note

Only students from South Australian schools are represented in the data on this website.

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