Special Provisions | How to apply

How to apply for special provisions

After checking for special provisions eligibility, students can apply through their school. In consultation with the student and based on evidence provided, the school will determine what type of reasonable adjustments are appropriate.

Although the decision is made by the school, anyone can seek advice from the SACE Board at any time.

For an overview of the process, see Special provisions — Flowchart [DOC 43KB] and Information sheet 58 - Special provisions in curriculum and assessment

Step 1: Conversation between student and school

Firstly the student should speak to their subject teacher, SACE coordinator, or school counsellor.

During this conversation, the school will assess the student's needs and explain what type of special provisions may be available.

Special provisions for a student may vary from subject to subject, and from assessment to assessment, according to the eligible student's choice and needs.

Short term special provisions

If the student is affected by a sudden illness or an unforeseen incident, they can apply for special provisions at any time.

Long term special provisions

If a student has a long-term impairment, they should apply to their school when enrolling in Stage 1, or in Term 1 of Stage 2.  

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Step 2: Gather evidence

Evidence is required to support a student's application for special provisions, and can be provided through:

  • observations of teachers, counsellors, and other school staff
  • discussions with the student (or their associate)
  • results from reading or other standardised tests (optional)
  • reports from medical practitioners or psychologists (optional)
On the basis of equity, a student is not required to provide results from reading or other standardised tests, and/or medical or psychological reports in order to be considered for special provisions.

The student (or their associate) are responsible for providing true and accurate information and for working with their school to determine the most appropriate reasonable adjustments in curriculum and assessment.

Evidence required will vary between students. This is because each student will have different needs.

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Step 3: The school makes a decision

Schools should establish processes to ensure that decisions about special provisions are conducted ethically, and with integrity, accountability, and transparency for students.

Based on evidence provided, the school will determine if a student is eligible and what type of special provisions they can access. 

Considerations will be made for both school-assessed tasks and externally-assessed tasks.

School-assessed tasks (Stage 1 and Stage 2)

For school-assessed tasks there may be adjustments to deadlines, the number or format of tasks, the granting of extra time, rest breaks, or word processors in tests.

Externally-assessed tasks (Stage 2)

For externally-assessed tasks there may be adjustments to how exams, performances, and investigations are undertaken. Sometimes these adjustments involve changes to SACE Board processes, so the school will need to request that the SACE Board can apply them.  

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Step 4: Special provisions put in place

Once reasonable adjustments are determined for a student, the school will put a plan in place to ensure they can participate in assessment tasks on the same basis as other students.

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Step 5: Monitor and review

The school should regularly monitor and review the student's circumstances. If circumstances change, there may need to be an appropriate adjustment to special provisions.


For more information, including definitions of terms and frequently asked questions, see FAQs.

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