VET | VET Coordinators | Resulting in Schools Online
Resulting in Schools Online
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About Schools Online
Schools Online is the SACE Board's system for entering and managing enrolments, results, and reporting. It also hosts all of the VET qualifications and competencies.
It is important that VET Coordinators can access Schools Online. If you can't access this sytem, please speak to your Schools Online delegate (usually the SACE Coordinator) who can arrange access for you.
More information
Submitting results
Schools need to submit VET results in Schools Online.
The Guide to VET in Schools Online contains detailed information about adding VET enrolments and results.
Where a student has undertaken a “VET Skills Cluster” or a “Stackable”, refer to the Department for Education’s VET Course Information to identify the Source Qualification Name and Source Qualification Code to use when submitting results in Schools Online.
Changing results
Entered results can be changed by school delegates in Schools Online before the SACE deadline for VET results in a particular year.
To submit or change results after the SACE deadline for VET results, please apply to the SACE Board using the form below and contact or 1300 322 920.
EDSAS reporting
Schools using EDSAS can download VET Module References from the following portal:
Confirming and verifying qualifications
Schools can confirm qualifications at any certificate level have been successfully completed, and generate a report to show the total number of VET qualifications completed at their school (refer to the Guide to VET in Schools Online).
To confirm qualifications are completed, schools must:
- enter all VET results in Schools Online
- confirm completed VET qualifications for each eligible student (refer to the Guide to VET in Schools Online).
In addition, it is important for any successfully completed Certificate III (or higher) qualification to be verified by the school, as these may contribute to an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) as 'Recognised Studies'.
Certificate III (or higher) qualifications
Once all qualifications have been confirmed as completed, Certificate III (or higher) qualifications also need to be verified by generating and submitting the VET Qualification Verification form.
To generate the form in Schools Online:
- Go to VET Enrolments > VET Reports
- In the Report Type menu, select VET Qualification Verification.
This form should list all the students whose Certificate III (or higher) qualifications have been confirmed as completed. If students are not listed, check that each student's qualification has been confirmed as completed.
Once all the students are listed on the VET Qualification Verification form, follow the steps below:
- Print the form
- Attach evidence of each student's qualification completion (either the parchment, or an RTO results report on RTO letterhead stating that they have fulfilled the requirements and completed the qualification)
- Ask the principal to sign the form
- Submit the form and evidence of qualification completion to the SACE Board before the current semester VET results submissions due date.
Evidence of completion
Acceptable evidence
- Student parchment or certificate of qualification completion. Ensure that the evidence is signed by the RTO and includes the RTO name and code, and the qualification name and code.
- A letter from the RTO on its letterhead stating the student name, and wording similar to 'This letter is confirming that (student name) from (student's school name) has successfully completed the qualification (name of qualification and qualification code).'
Unacceptable as evidence
- Academic transcripts or similar with no mention of 'Qualification completed' or 'Parchment issued'
- A result printout from a VET broker, instead of the RTO
- A result printout from the RTO with no comment about successful completion.
Only one Certificate III (or higher) can be used towards calculation of the ATAR as part of Recognised Studies.
For assistance or clarification, please email the SACE Board VET Recognition Officer or call on 1300 322 920.
Past students
Past students who are seeking recognition in the SACE for VET qualifications undertaken since leaving school, or current students seeking recognition for units of competency from VET qualifications undertaken independently of their contact school, should contact or 1300 322 920 to discuss their situation.
Evidence of completion of VET qualifications or units of competency will need to be provided.
I tried to enter a student's qualification, but it was not listed in Schools Online.
If a qualification is not listed in Schools Online, please email
I have received a student's results with the code AP, but practical assessment still needs to be undertaken. How do I result this?
A result of AP (academic pass) issued by the RTO does not generate SACE credits for the student. It cannot be resulted as P (pass) until it has been resulted as P by the RTO. If the RTO is waiting until the student has achieved competency in the practical assessment, then you will also need to wait until you have received notification from the RTO to enter a result of P.
I have entered a student's results in Students Online. When verifying the qualification as completed,a message has appeared advising that the student does not have enough nominal hours for this qualification.
The Schools Online system will display a warning message if the nominal hours are fewer than expected for that qualification. Sometimes this may happen when a student has completed some competencies towards this qualification in a previous certificate, or perhaps the RTOhas chosen competencies from another training package. You can override the message by continuing through the screens - if you know that the student has successfully completed the qualification and you have evidence of this completion from the RTO.
One of my students completed the Certificate III SIR30212. Why isn't this showing up on the VET QualificationVerification form?
SIR30212 Certificate III in Retail Operations does not appear on the VET Qualifcation Verification form because it is not recognised at Stage 2. It attracts Stage 1 credits only and therefore does not contribute towards a student's ATAR.
I have a student's statement that has three competencies on it, but I can't find how to enter this in Schools Online.
This may be a short course delivered by an RTO,comprising of two or three units of competency. To claim recognition in the SACE/NTCET, units of competency must be resulted towards a nationally registered qualification listed on (TGA). If the qualification is not on, it cannot be added in Schools Online. Sometimes RTOs deliver short courses, or skills sets (such as a barista course or White Card training) that are bundles of competencies packaged together to fulfil a skill requirement. These alone cannot be used for recognition towards a student's SACE.
I have a year 12 student who is doing VET but won't complete the qualification until next year once they have left school. Can this still count towards the student's SACE?
For any VET qualifications or competencies that have been completed post-school, students who have not yet completed the SACE can contact the SACE Board to have these added to their SACE. They will need to supply evidence of completion of VET qualifications or units of competency. The qualification will usually only be added if a student needs it to complete their SACE or to enable an ATAR to be calculated for the first time. Please contact or 1300 322 920.