Media Gallery (Global)

A hidden reality
By Maddison Jorgensen-Lamph
The sculpture was inspired by nature's unpredictability. The tree symbolizes individuality which is confronted with change and endures life's trails, whereas the roots are vulnerable to the harsh reality of life but hope still lingers. This abstract piece is made to confront and evoke emotions within the viewer, both ones they understand and those they don't. Download Practical Statement [PDF 82KB]

Always running out of time
By Emily Doan
Ten panels of handmade collage/origami style illustrations. Whimsical, colourful and fantasy styled design. Features main female character running away from different symbolic creatures. Download Practical Statement [PDF 109KB]

By Chloe Coates
My work is an expressionist piece aimed to strongly convey the anguish and chaos, which is a consequence of bad self image. Deeply inspired by the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, my work was freely made with multiple layers to create interest for the viewer. Download Practical Statement [PDF 80KB]

Are we failing our children
By Gabrielle Vermeulen
This body of work focuses on the issue of child abuse in society. The children have been drawn realistically to accurately represent each child's identity and to therefore symbolise the importance of their experiences. Download Practical Statement [PDF 93KB]

A road less travelled
By Georgia Sandford
A series of dry point etchings showing my family's return trip around Europe. The journey route is represented with a number of punched notes placed in the framed mat. Download Practical Statement [PDF 76KB]

As beneath a green sea, I saw him drowning
By Madeleine Lilburn
A machine embroidered composition that explores the flexible nature of thread and expresses the horror of war. Two layers of vilene are painted in muted green and grey acrylic and a crouched figure is then surrounded by free stitching in various shades of rayon thread, which creates depth and texture. Download Practical Statement [PDF 126KB]

By Samantha Zadow
An aboriginal snake symbolising white settlement in Australia on traditional land. The aboriginal dots represent the spreading of the white man's way of living.

By Emmaleise Maxwell
To create an interesting composition, my artwork consists of three round canvases featuring cats. Cats were chosen as the subject due to my many pet cats and a deep mutual love of the animal that I share with my niece Hazel. Download Practical Statement [PDF 78KB]

By Emma Kiley
Young female figure resting on bed. Delicate and angelic, very light, soft colours. Download Practical Statement [PDF 79KB]

Contrasting Colours
By Luke Turner
A homage to 'Brother Coughlin', a mentor and friend who has dedicated himself to educating and supporting students. The spreading ink represents how he has reached out and touched the lives of many people around him. Download Practical Statement [PDF 82KB]

Cover Up
By Amelia Hutchinson
Cover up is a self-portrait created using acrylic paints and impasto medium of realistic tones with a collage of vibrant, warm coloured magazines, fabrics, wool and netting covering areas of the face. These mediums represent the meaning of the self-portrait which is that the media is telling us how to look and act and by doing so 'cover up' what makes us unique. Download Practical Statement [PDF 92KB]

Cutis and Skinscape
By Rachel Ey
Ambiguous masking fluid and watercolour paintings of elements from the skin. Cutis being the dermis and epidermis of the skin, and skinscape is a singular skin cell. Download Practical Statement [PDF 87KB]

Emotive Collective
By Jack McBride
Comprises 75 individual squares of fellow peers drawn in a variety of line types, thickness and media. The squares are displayed in a group with layered images to represent shared emotive experiences. Download Practical Statement [PDF 86KB]

Familiar Beauty
By Alen Chin
My artwork introduces some of the trademarks of my culture and traditions of the Chin tribes and of my country Burma. In this artwork I include a portrait of myself with a face tattoo, an indigenous sport of Burma called Chinlone, two sacred animals painting and a very significant feature of Burma, a pagoda. Download Practical Statement [PDF 76KB]

By Emma Foley
My work is a mixed media piece of a fertility doll comprised of pen, ink, cotton and an acrylic box. The piece is 3-dimensional and is made to be walked around so the audience is able to observe the fertility doll from both the front and the back. Download Practical Statement [PDF 82KB]

Girl Sap
By Shaye Duong
This series of figurative work aims to portray the female form in the most raw and honest way possible while challenging censorship of the female body and toxic expectations of appearance that have been embedded into our socio-culture. Download Practical Statement [PDF 91KB]

Golf Swing
By Jayce Trusk
Eight metal work sculptures of the moment of a golfing swing.

Hanging plates
By Wendy Matson
Eight ceramic plates, each representing an aspect of Changi prisoner of war Leslie Greener's life. Download Practical Statement [PDF 77KB]

History Keeper
By Grace Hopton
The History Keeper is an installation consisting of a square timber frame with a soil floor. The cube/cell contains a series of suspended jars and bottles, each filled with items as physical embodiment of my Nanna — plants, cotton, fabric, water, paintbrushes etc. Download Practical Statement [PDF 118KB]

By Amaya Milne
Repetitive patterning of black branches that take the form of faces and which grow different types of foliage, fruit and host birds, insects and butterflies. Download Practical Statement [PDF 81KB]

Jimmy Page
By Mykaela Podgorski
Pen drawing of Jimmy Page against gouache background. Download Practical Statement [PDF 83KB]

Journeys and Growth
By Bianca Tramaglino
Body of work exploring concept of journeys and growth.Download Practical Statement [PDF 150 KB]

Korean Acculturation
By Zoe Munzberg
A 5-piece suit of ink drawings, depicting moments of a traditional Korean wedding.

Llewyn Davis
By David Tse
A lead pencil portrait of Oscar Isaac in the Coen brothers film, Inside Llewyn Davis. The themes of the drawing grew from those I saw in the film. Download Practical Statement [PDF 91KB]

Lost in the mind of depression
By Sallie Buschhueter
Download Practical Statement [PDF 105KB]

People of Adelaide
By Caleb Froese
Six panels painted in an abstract impression style. The subjects are randomly chosen people of Adelaide and the vibrant expressive colours represent character and uniqueness. Download Practical Statement [PDF 87KB]

Racing to the grave
By Rachel Rohde
This artwork utilises traditional techniques of chiaroscuro with a large, realistic, muscular dead racehorse that lay solitary on the dirty floor of the dimmed table. With the strong colour use and distinct paint strokes, the confronting horse automatically draws attention, as it stresses the truths that occur within the horse racing industry. Download Practical Statement [PDF 111KB]

Recesses of the mind
By Abbie Hay
The panels depict imagery regarding my own ideas and experiences on childhood imagination. Download Practical Statement [PDF 110KB]

By Kathy Liu
My artwork displays reflections of Adelaide's iconic places, in order to display unusual perspective; seeing the familiar in an unfamiliar perspective. Download Practical Statement [PDF 68KB]

See you again
By Rebecah Hembling
Two hand-drawn pieces of family pets to symbolise past and present lives. Download Practical Statement [PDF 109KB]

Self Destruction
By Eleanor Hughes
Butterfly woodburning with a perspex overlay displaying a outline of a male figure, and a Japanese inspired tattoo over the figure containing a phoenix, fish and flowers. Download Practical Statement [PDF 81KB]

Self Portrait (Leighton)
By Matilda Leighton
Through the form of a large scale self-portrait, this mixed media piece explores a personal understanding in relation to the emotional struggle contextualised by the pressures of a Year 12 student simultaneously seeking to excel in elite sport. Download Practical Statement [PDF 94KB]

Self Portrait (Moriarty)
By Olivia Moriarty
A series of four portraits using smudged oil stick in a different colour for each portrait. The motion blur effect of the portraits and the facial expressions portray movement and anger. Download Practical Statement [PDF 80KB]

By Yolande Heaney
Figurative oil painting of friend Shaye, presented with three individually framed preliminary drawings, created with graphite. Download Practical Statement [PDF 105KB]

Simply Naked
By Julia Discombe
My artwork is chalk pastel and paint on textured paper. I was heavily inspired by Fred Hutt to create an organic, free flowing drawing of a woman. Bright colours were used to simulate skin colour and an organic background. Gold details were added along with blue chalk to create a surreal effect.

String Art Portraits
By Ben Abanat
A self portrait using mixed media (watercolour, silver/copper leaf, nail and thread) to symbolise my cultural identity. Download Practical Statement [PDF 82KB]

By Sophie Maher
Over 3km of cotton tangled and stretched over 11,369 nails in the form of my brother's face with bruising and scratches showing the lengthy healing process a child must endure so that they can recover from child abuse. Download Practical Statement [PDF 77KB]

The cyclical nature of war
By Angela Garnaut-Jager
Three paintings demonstrating the cyclical nature of conflict and resolution. Inspired by my own hands, my grandmother's koi fish and atomic warfare. Download Practical Statement [PDF 82KB]

The Diary
By Evangelia Frazis
Oil and modelling paste on canvas. Inspired by my grandmother's diary depicting her journey from Greece to Australia, and the migration process. Download Practical Statement [PDF 114KB]

The edge of innocence
By Chloe Manglaras
My artwork features my 12-year-old sister. I attempted to capture her childish beauty and innocence. Her eyes, I believe, are the most focal, alluring element of my piece.

By Katherine de Groot
Inked piece of two girls surrounded by fauna and foliage which is also incorporated into their bodies. Download Practical Statement [PDF 68KB]

By Alice Hu
This art piece has elements about life and death. The gold aura and small globes represent spirits and deity, but her torso is a skeleton. The leaves represent death; the only part that looks alive is her face, but event that’s too pale for living. The two opposite extremes of life appear in one person, ironic, but representative of people's mental status. Download Practical Statement [PDF 81KB]

Tumult of thoughts
By Christine Molitoris
Three canvases, arranged to form a detached looking face to resemble mental illness (anxiety most prominently). Download Practical Statement [PDF 92KB]

By Madyson Tunn
Detailed drawing of my scoliosis x-ray taken in May 2014. My artwork expresses my feelings physically and emotionally. Each stroke brought me a great deal of pain, making the task almost impossible to complete. The writing above my x-ray expresses my emotional journey living with scoliosis. Download Practical Statement [PDF 78KB]

Two Lives
By Kristopher Abenoja
Self-portrait which includes cityscape and landscape.

Untitled (Burvill)
By Gemma Burvill
Inspired by culture and influenced by traditional techniques of portraiture. Soft charcoal juxtaposed with bright, vibrant acrylic dots, making up the neck rings worn in traditional African culture. Download Practical Statement [PDF 109KB]

Untitled (Fischermann)
By Tamara Fischermann
A portrait painting of my sister on a wooden support. Represents calmness, with pale colours, blue ocean water and various goldfish. Download Practical Statement [PDF 79KB]

Untitled (Gallasch)
By Carla Gallasch
Four variations of the sky at a particular location. A different medium has been used for each frame. This has been done to parallel the ever changing nature of the sky. Download Practical Statement [PDF 121KB]

Untitled (Goldsworthy)
By Charlie Goldsworthy
Landscape beach scene, three boys and seagulls.

Untitled (Ingoldby-Craig, Zoe)
By Zoe Ingoldby-Craig
Download Practical Statement [PDF 86KB]

Untitled (Ingoldby-Craig)
By Zoe Ingoldby-Craig
Download Practical Statement [PDF 86KB]

Untitled (Ju)
By Nancy Ju
There are two pieces in this artwork. Each depicts two stages of friendship: the formal and the light-hearted. The characters were drawn using a tablet and original photo were manipulated and used to enhance the theme.

Untitled (Plasabas)
By Mia Plasabas
A portrait painting of a child, background that resemble a galaxy. Download Practical Statement [PDF 77KB]

Untitled (Wild, Cie-Ayn)
By Cie-Ayn Wild
This work focuses on the impact of urbanisation on African wildlife, showing a bridge of animal bones and floating islands, which symbolise the impact of humans on nature. Download Practical Statement [PDF 79KB]

Untitled (Wild)
By Cie-Ayn Wild
This work focuses on the impact of urbanisation on African wildlife, showing stampeding animals destroying a city. Download Practical Statement [PDF 107KB]

Woof Woof
By Mitchell Othen
Woof Woof depicts dogs heads hanging out of car windows. The frames and button eyes are intrinsic to the work and its meaning. Download Practical Statement [PDF 113KB]