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SACE Management Conference — August 2020
This page contains a snapshot of the main topics discussed at the Semester 2, 2020 SACE Management Conference, in August.
For answers to specific questions that were raised during the presentations, see the chat summary [PDF 116KB].
On this page
Stage 1 moderation
Final enrolments for Stage 1 and modified subjects were due on 13 August 2020. If your class has changed after this date then please contact the askSACE team.
Correspondence to schools involved in Stage 1 moderation was sent week commencing 24 August.
All subject enrolments are considered results due in December 2020.
Stage 1 moderation and review will occur, week commencing 9 November, online in a dispersed model via Microsoft Teams. Training will be offered via Microsoft Teams.
The SACE Board will provide specific instructions directly to those schools who will submit materials electronically via Kiteworks.
Modified subjects
There are changes in the compilation of student samples, and a selection of evidence is requested. The evidence needs to align directly to the achievement of personal learning goals and identified capabilities.
A new PLATO course for Stage 1 and Stage 2 clarifying - modified subjects is available for teachers and school leaders.
Stage 2 enrolments and results
The Stage 2 enrolment cut-off in Schools Online was midnight Wednesday 2 September. Additions and withdrawals after this date can only be made on the official SACE Board online results sheet.
Results sheets in Schools Online can be accessed from 8 am, Monday 7 September.
Results packages for hardcopy external assessment for Stage 2 Dance and Stage 2 Drama will be sent to schools in the week of 7 September and collected by courier on 22 September
Results packages for Stage 2 Community Studies will be sent to schools in the week of 12 October and collected by courier on 19 November.
Online submission of student work
View updated FAQs and videos on how to submit student work in Schools Online.
Individual communications will be sent to specific subject communities to support them through the online submission process.
External assessment – investigations
When uploading students’ external investigations work, please submit a clean copy that doesn't include any mark-ups from students or teachers.
Stage 2 moderation
Stage 2 moderation will take place online, except for Stage 2 Community Studies.
The 2020 subject outline changes made because of COVID-19, are for this year only. No assessment type for school assessment was removed from any subject. Any changes made in relation to the LAP and individual assessment tasks should be documented on the Addendum.
A Performance Standards Record is a new feature to complete on the schools assessment results sheet, for those students identified in the sample.
E-exams 2020
The e-exam practice window is an opportunity to test your school’s technical and operational readiness for all nine e-exam subjects. This window closes on Friday 11 September.
After the practice window, SACE coordinators will receive a Readiness Self-assessment survey via email.
Schools who are new to e-exams in 2020 will be required to submit their survey to the SACE Board ahead of the final readiness confirmation.
Schools experienced in e-exams are strongly encouraged to complete the survey but will not be required to submit the results to the SACE Board.
The confirmation of readiness to participate in e-exams in November will take the form of an email from the SACE Board Chief Executive to Principal, and is due on 12 October.
Confirmation of 2021 e-exam subjects are expected to be made by the end of November 2020.
See electronic exams for your primary e-exams reference point throughout the year.
Special provisions
The disruption caused by COVID-19 is not the basis for an individual school to award special provisions.
Teachers should only upload results and student material, LAPS as appropriate for online submission Investigations. Students cannot be exempt from doing the external investigation on the basis of special provisions.
Information Sheet 58 covers all aspects of special provisions.
The special provisions team are available to assist schools and the dedicated helpline will be available from early November.
For more, see our range of resources on special provisions.
The SACE Board will continue to recognise all VET qualifications.
The 2020 VET results are due to be reported to the SACE Board by Monday 30 November. For more, see Resulting in Schools Online. The VET qualification verification form is also due on this date.
For students who cannot complete all required VET or work placement by the 30 November cut off date, additionally completed 2020 Certificate III VET results and evidence must be reported to the SACE Board by Friday 8 January, 2021 for that information to be considered in ATAR calculations for round #1 university offers. Go to the COVID-19 portal for more information.
For students unable to complete all requirements of their VET or work placement, schools must provide evidence to the SACE Board by 8 January 2021 about: what learning was completed and not completed by the student, the circumstances why the student could not complete the qualification, and supporting evidence from an RTO which verifies why the student could not complete.
The additional VET results form, to capture this information, will be sent out to schools in Term 4.
Credit for learning
It is important that students receive credit for the learning they undertake in SACE subjects.
The table compares late withdrawal of a student’s subject enrolment with three alternative options that may provide some credit for the student’s learning:
- Exit assessment (Form 13)
- Community Studies B
- Submission of D and E Grades