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Commendations and awards in the SACE

Presented at the annual SACE Merit Ceremony, the SACE Board publicly acknowledges students' meritorious achievements in the SACE by awarding commendations, subject merits, and prizes.

Governor of South Australia Commendations

There are three types of Governor of South Australia Commendations presented to students each year:

  • Governor of South Australia Commendation - Excellence Award
  • Governor of South Australia Commendation - Aboriginal Student SACE Excellence Award
  • Governor of South Australia Commendation - Excellence in Modified SACE Award.

Schools are invited to nominate one student from their school for each commendation type.

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Subject merits

Subject merits recognise meritorious achievement in a Stage 2 subject and are presented to students at the SACE Merit Ceremony. Students can gain a subject merit if they:

  • gain an overall subject grade of A+ for that subject, and
  • demonstrate exceptional achievement in the subject.

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Other awards and prizes

The SACE Board presents awards, such as the Governor of South Australia Commendations, which includes the Aboriginal Student SACE Award and the Excellence in Modified SACE Award, and awards and prizes for particular subjects, such as the Tennyson Medal for the best overall performance in Stage 2 English Studies, to students who meet the criteria.

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The conditions and criteria for selection for the Governor of South Australia Commendation, subject merits, and other awards and prizes are outlined in the documents below.

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Nomination tips

Schools are reminded to take the time to consider and describe how their nominated student demonstrates their development of one or more SACE capabilities to an exceptional level.

Examples of achievements and/or activities that demonstrate evidence of development of the capabilities can be from inside and outside of the school community.

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