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Community learning

Community learning includes community-directed programs or self-directed programs approved by the SACE Board.

Students can count up to 90 credits of community learning at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2.

However, recognition of community learning is not granted in any of the compulsory parts of the SACE - the Personal Learning Plan (at Stage 1), the literacy or numeracy requirements, the Research Project (at Stage 2), or the requirement for 60 credits at C- grade or better at Stage 2.

What is a community-developed program?

Organisations such as the Australian Music Examinations Board, The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, and the SA Country Fire Service develop and accredit their own programs that are eligible for recognition towards the SACE. For a list of approved programs, see Recognised community-developed programs [DOC 65KB].

Applying for recognition

If the program is listed in the document, students can apply for recognition towards their SACE using the Recognition application — community-developed programs (Form 10) [PDF 355KB].

Community organisations interested in applying for recognition of their program should refer to the Guidelines for approving community-developed programs [DOC 168KB]. They can complete and submit the Community learning application form [DOC 208KB] by 31 August each year.  Once approved, students can use the new program towards their SACE.

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What is a self-directed program?

Individual students can participate in activities that are not formally accredited. Examples of this type of learning include:

  • creating media productions (e.g. films, websites) outside school
  • performing in sport at an elite level or officiating at sporting events
  • planning and coordinating community events
  • taking a leadership role in community groups
  • taking a leadership role in the workplace
  • taking responsibility for the care of an older adult or person with a disability
  • teaching others specialised skills (e.g. dance).

Students need to submit an application form and attend an interview at their school to have their self-directed community learning recognised as part of their SACE.

Each student will be assessed against the two assessment criteria: knowledge and application, and reflection and critical thinking. The following documents are used to support teachers and students through the process.

If insufficient evidence is provided, students are given the opportunity to provide more evidence at a later date.

Community assessor training workshops

Check the SACE Events page to see when Community Assessor training workshops are available.

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Monday to Friday, 8.30 am - 5 pm

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