Resources | Stage 1
Stage 1
Key documents
Learning and assessment plans
Stage 1 pre-approved learning and assessment plans (LAPs) can be downloaded below. You can also develop your own plan using the school-developed LAP form.
To learn more about what learning and assessment plans are, the process for developing and approving plans, and other general information, see learning and assessment plans.
Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher
School-developed Agriculture LAP form.docx
Stage 1 Agriculture LAP-01 (3 tasks) - aligns with program 1.doc
Stage 1 Agriculture LAP-01 (4 tasks) - aligns with program 1.doc
Stage 1 Agriculture LAP-02 - aligns with program 2.doc
Stage 1 Agriculture LAP-03 - aligns with program 3.doc
Stage 1 and Stage 2 LAP Checklist for Teachers.docx
School-developed Agriculture LAP form.docx
Teaching and learning programs
Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher
Sample tasks and student responses
Assessment Type 1: Agricultural Reports
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Asset Publisher
- There are no files to display.
Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher
- There are no files to display.
Assessment Type 2: Applications
Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher
- There are no files to display.
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Asset Publisher
- There are no files to display.
Other resources
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Global | Professional Learning
Professional Learning
Professional Learning
Teachers can access student samples for school assessment and external assessment components via PLATO.