Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Version control

Ancient Studies Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in May 2016 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2018.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 1: Skills and Applications

Assessment Type 1: Skills and Applications (50%)

Students produce at least four skills and applications tasks, which taken together comprise a maximum of 4000 words, or equivalent in oral or multimodal form. They should use a variety of forms to present evidence of their learning.

Tasks could include, for example:

  • an interactive map presentation
  • creation of a virtual museum
  • a seminar, tutorial, or debate
  • a character study
  • an assessment of the accuracy of a virtual tour of a site
  • an alternative construction of a text or event from another character’s view
  • a script for a radio program (spoken or written)
  • creation of a computer game or a concept for a game based on a historical civilisation
  • a web page
  • creative writing, such as a journal or letter
  • a fictional interview with a character, or a transcript of an imaginary court case
  • a stand-alone multimedia presentation or film
  • a scripted role-play or presentation for an audience
  • an essay (discussion or argument).

At least two of the skills and applications tasks must be completed under supervised conditions. At least one task must be in a written format.

Each supervised task is completed without teacher assistance, and is timed as well as supervised. Up to 90 minutes, and up to 10 minutes of reading and planning time, should be allowed for each supervised task. Students should have choices for each task. They should be made aware of the general requirements in advance, but must not receive the options until the set time.

The supervised tasks may be word-processed or handwritten. Students may use a dictionary and/or a computer program to check spelling and grammar. Students may also use prepared notes or texts during the supervised tasks if appropriate.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • knowledge and understanding
  • research and analysis
  • application.