Stage 2 | Subject outline | Version control
Community Connections
Stage 2
Subject outline
For teaching in 2024. Accredited in June 2021.
Stage 2 | Subject outline | Assessment design criteria
Assessment design criteria
The assessment design criteria are based on the learning requirements and are used by teachers to:
- clarify for the student what they need to learn
- design opportunities for students to provide evidence of their learning at the highest possible level of achievement.
The assessment design criteria consist of specific features that:
- students should demonstrate in their learning
- teachers look for as evidence that students have met the learning requirements.
For this subject the assessment design criteria are:
- knowledge and understanding
- application and connection
- reflection and consideration.
The set of assessments as a whole must give students opportunities to demonstrate each of the specific features by the completion of study of the subject.
Knowledge and Understanding
The specific features are as follows:
KU1 | Development of knowledge and understanding of concepts related to the selected SACE Stage 2 subject. |
KU2 | Development of specific skills related to the selected SACE Stage 2 subject. |
Application and Connection
The specific features are as follows:
AC1 | Demonstrated connections between the community application activity, subject‑specific knowledge and skills, and one or more chosen capabilities. |
AC2 | Demonstration of planning and organisation to undertake the community application activity. |
AC3 | Connection of the benefits and future possibilities of the community application activity to the community and themselves. |
Reflection and Consideration
The specific features are as follows:
RC1 | Reflection on the development of knowledge, concepts, skills and new understandings related to the selected SACE Stage 2 subject. |
RC2 | Reflection on the development of planning, organisational, problem solving and decision‑making skills through the community application activity. |
RC3 | Consideration of the development of one or more SACE capabilities using evidence of actions taken. |