Stage 2 | Subject outline | Version control
Community Connections
Stage 2
Subject outline
Version 3.0
For teaching in 2024. Accredited in June 2021.
For teaching in 2024. Accredited in June 2021.
Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Literacy
In this subject, students extend and apply their literacy capability by, for example:
- communicating with a range of people in a variety of contexts
- asking questions, expressing opinions, and taking different perspectives into account
- using language with increasing awareness, clarity, accuracy, and suitability for a range of audiences, contexts, and purposes
- accessing, analysing, and selecting appropriate primary and secondary sources
- engaging with, and reflecting on, the ways in which texts are created for specific purposes and audiences
- composing a range of texts — written, oral, visual, and multimodal
- reading, viewing, writing, listening, and speaking, using a range of technologies
- developing an understanding that different text types (e.g. website, speech, newspaper article, film, painting, data set, report, set of instructions, or interview) have their own distinctive stylistic features
- acquiring an understanding of the relationships between literacy, language, and culture
- identifying the specific literacy skills required for the chosen community application activity.