Stage 1 | Subject outline | version control

English Stage 1
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in May 2015 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2016

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Performance standards

Performance standards

Stage 1 performance standards for English can be viewed below. You can also download in Word format [DOC 260KB].

To learn more about what performance standards are, how they are used, and other general information, see performance standards and grades

  Knowledge and Understanding   Analysis  Application  


Detailed knowledge and understanding of ideas and perspectives explored in a diverse range of texts.

Extensive knowledge and understanding of the variety of language features, stylistic features, and conventions authors use to make meaning.

Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of ways in which texts are created for a range of purposes and audiences.

Perceptive evaluation of the complex relationship between purpose, audience, and context and how they shape meaning.

Insightful analysis of how language features, stylistic features, and conventions combine to influence readers in various text types.

Analysis of complex intertextual connections between different texts. 


Fluent and precise writing and speaking.

Sophisticated use of appropriate language features, stylistic features, and conventions for a range of audiences and purposes.

Detailed and appropriate use of evidence from texts to support conclusions, with textual references integrated into responses. 


Knowledge and understanding of ideas and perspectives explored in a range of texts.

Knowledge and understanding of a range of language features, stylistic features, and conventions authors use to make meaning.

Knowledge and understanding of ways in which texts are created for a range of purposes and audiences. 

Effective analysis of the relationship between purpose, audience, and context and how they shape meaning.

Analysis of how language features, stylistic features, and conventions influence readers in various text types.

Analysis of intertextual connections between different texts. 


Mostly fluent and precise writing and speaking.

Use of accurate language features, stylistic features, and conventions for a range of audiences and purposes.

Accurate use of evidence from texts to support conclusions, with textual references incorporated fluently in responses.



Knowledge and understanding of ideas and some perspectives explored in a range of texts.

Knowledge and understanding of some language features, stylistic features, and conventions authors use to make meaning.

Knowledge and understanding of ways in which texts are created for familiar purposes and audiences.


Description, with some analysis of purpose, audience, and context and how they shape meaning.

Description, with some analysis, of how language features, stylistic features, and conventions influence readers in some text types.

Description, with some analysis of intertextual connections between different texts. 

Generally fluent and accurate writing and speaking.

Use of language features, stylistic features, and conventions appropriate for familiar audiences and purposes.

Use of evidence from texts to support conclusions, with some textual references incorporated in responses. 


Reference to simple ideas explored in texts.

Knowledge and understanding of a narrow range of language features and conventions authors use to make meaning.

Knowledge and understanding of a restricted range of ways in which texts are created for limited purposes and audiences. 


Identification of the purpose, audience, and context of texts.

Reference to some ways in which conventions and language features influence readers in some text types.

Recognition of similarities and or differences between texts.

Some control and fluency of expression.

Use of some language features and conventions appropriate for audience and purpose.

Limited use of evidence from texts to support conclusions, with limited textual references to support responses. 



Identification of an idea in a text.

Recognition of a restricted range of language features used by authors.

Acknowledgment of one or more ways in which texts are created for a purpose or an audience.

Reference to the purpose and audience of a text.
Recognition of a way in which language features influence readers in a text type.

Recognition of a connection between texts.

Emerging development of control of expression.

Emerging use of some language features appropriate for audience and/or purpose.

Restricted use of evidence from a text to support conclusions.