Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Versions control
Health and Wellbeing
Stage 2
Subject outline
Accredited in November 2019 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2021. This subject replaces Stage 2 Health.
Stage 2 | Subject outline | Content | social-equity
Social equity
An understanding of social equity principles is integral to understanding health and wellbeing in the local and global contexts. Social equity is the recognition and valuing of fair and just relations to promote collective wellbeing and sustainable development.
It is inclusive of all, especially those who are marginalised and disadvantaged for reasons such as age, gender, sexuality, disability, isolation, cultural and socio-economic background.
Students develop an understanding of inequalities including economic, political, social, and cultural factors that influence health and wellbeing. They recognise how social equity applies to the fair and equitable distribution of health resources and to the availability and accessibility of health services and educational programs. Students develop the knowledge and skills to participate in decision-making and advocate for change. An understanding of the implications for individuals and communities, and the role of government in the application of social equity principles, is established.
Learning activities
The following learning activities are suggestions only. Teachers may select and adapt suitable activities from this list or design their own.
Students may develop an understanding of social equity by:
- identifying and applying terminology that reflects diversity, inclusivity, and empathy
- analysing the health status of Australians and the factors that influence health trends
- exploring the relationship between wellbeing and disadvantage, and identifying barriers that limit access to health services
- analysing and evaluating government action to address inequity through policies such as Closing the Gap, National Housing and Homelessness Agreement, or federal anti-discrimination laws
- examining the role of organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations with regard to wellbeing status on a global level
- evaluating policies and procedures in their school and/or community groups for inclusivity and equity
- celebrating significant days and events as a social action to raise awareness. These may include National Reconciliation Week, Harmony Week, International Women’s Day, R U OK? Day, and International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)
- gathering information and data through personal stories that reflect individuals or groups who are marginalised at a community, national, or global level, and explore social action to address specific details
- critically analysing community service providers for their inclusivity and accessibility
- examining the role of social media as a platform for dissemination of information.