Khmer — continuers | Stage 2 | Planning to Teach | Subject Operational Information | 2020

Subject operational information

Stage 2 Khmer — continuers

These web pages connect schools and teachers to information on procedures relating to final moderation and external assessment requirements. Key dates, including dates for the submission of results, are also provided.

A Stage 2 nationally assessed language at continuers level is a 20-credit subject.

The learning and assessment requirements for these subjects are set out in the 2022 subject outline.

The subject outline for these languages is a single document that contains generic and language-specific information on the prescribed themes and topics, text types, and grammar for each of the following nationally assessed languages at continuers level:

  • Armenian
  • Bosnian
  • Chin Hakha
  • Croatian
  • Dutch
  • Filipino
  • Hebrew
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
  • Karen
  • Khmer
  • Macedonian
  • Maltese
  • Persian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Punjabi
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Serbian
  • Sinhala
  • Swedish
  • Tamil
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Yiddish.

Refer to Learning and assessment plans for information on developing and approving Stage 2 Khmer (continuers) LAPs.

Combining small classes

Refer to Assessment groups — Stage 2 (Information sheet 1) for information on combining classes to form an assessment group.

Online moderation

In 2020, school assessment materials will be submitted for online moderation using school assessment results sheets in Schools Online.

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Key dates

For a simplified list of key operational dates, see the Khmer (continuers) calendar.

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School assessment component

Teachers assess the evidence of student learning for:

  • Assessment Type 1: Folio
  • Assessment Type 2: In-depth Study.

The SACE Board quality assures the school assessment results through final moderation.

Refer to SACE Assessment and Reporting Guidelines [PDF 290KB]and SACE Stage 2 Moderation Overview [DOC 33KB] for information about the policy context and procedures.

Moderation sample selection

Teachers select the moderation sample of school-assessed materials to submit to the SACE Board.

Refer to Moderation sample selection, which includes FAQs and an instructional video.

Submitting school assessment materials for final moderation

In 2020, school assessment materials for Stage 2 Khmer (continuers) will be submitted using school assessment results sheets in Schools Online.

For more information see Online submission of materials.

School assessment materials for Khmer at continuers level are collected in late November (Round B).

Supervision and verification

Refer to the information in Supervision and Verification of Students' Work: Policy and Procedures [DOC 90KB] on the use of the record sheet [DOC 164KB] to record and authenticate each student's work. If used, these sheets are to be kept in the school until the end of the clerical check period in February 2021.

A teacher who is unable to verify that the work is the student's own must initiate a breach of rules action through the school's SACE/NTCET coordinator.


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External assessment component

The examination consists of two assessments: an oral examination (25 marks) and a written examination (75 marks).

Oral examination

The oral examination takes approximately 15 minutes and has two sections:

  • Section 1: Conversation (approximately 7 minutes) (10 marks)
  • Section 2: Discussion (approximately 8 minutes) (15 marks).

Students complete an In-depth study outline for oral examination form [DOC 1.5MB]. For oral examinations held at a central venue or a country school venue, students hand the outline to the examiners. For telephone or videoconference oral examinations, students send a completed copy by email to the SACE Board before the examination.

The complete timetable for oral examinations will be provided to schools in early September. The date of the oral examination will be available on the  Khmer (continuers) online calendar.

Written examination

Students undertake one written examination, which has three sections:

  • Section 1: Listening and Responding (Part A: 15 marks; Part B: 15 marks)
  • Section 2: Reading and Responding (Part A: 10 marks; Part B: 15 marks)
  • Section 3: Writing in Khmer (20 marks).

The length of the written examination is 2 hours and 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes' reading time.

Refer to the subject outline for details of the examination requirements.

Refer to the exam timetable for the date of the 2022 examination.


Preparing predicted examination results for external assessment

The SACE Board uses predicted results as part of the quality assurance of Stage 2 external examinations and performances, and for some special provisions in assessment. Refer to Results sheets — Stage 2 predicted results (Information sheet 52) for information on completing predicted examination results sheets.

Examination materials for external assessment

The SACE Board sends examination question booklets to examination centres according to the delivery dates in Written examinations — question booklets (Information sheet 48).

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