Stage 2 | Subject outline | Outdoor Education Stage 2 version control
Outdoor Education
Stage 2
Subject outline
Accredited in August 2019 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2020.
Stage 2 | Subject outline | Assessment design criteria
Assessment design criteria
The assessment design criteria are based on the learning requirements and are used by:
- teachers to clarify for the student what they need to learn
- teachers and assessors to design opportunities for students to provide evidence of their learning at the highest possible level of achievement.
The assessment design criteria consist of specific features that:
- students should demonstrate in their learning
- teachers and assessors look for as evidence that students have met the learning requirements.
For this subject the assessment design criteria are:
- planning and application
- evaluation and reflective practice
- exploration, understanding, and analysis.
The specific features of these criteria are described below.
The set of assessments, as a whole, must give students opportunities to demonstrate each of the specific features by the completion of study of the subject.
Planning and Application
The specific features are as follows:
PA1 | Planning and application of responsibilities, leadership, and risk-management strategies to participate in safe and sustainable outdoor activities and journeys. |
Evaluation and Reflective Practice
The specific features are as follows:
ERP1 | Evaluation and reflective practice of planning, leadership, and collaborative skills in natural environments. |
ERP2 | Evaluation and reflective practice of the development and application of practical outdoor skills. |
ERP3 | Evaluation and reflection of personal experiences and connections in natural environments. |
Exploration, Understanding, and Analysis
The specific features are as follows:
EUA1 | Exploration and understanding of the interaction of humans and natural environments, considering a range of perspectives. |
EUA2 | Analysis of environmental systems and issues, and the sustainability of natural environments. |
EUA3 | Exploration of personal connections with natural environments that enhance personal development and/or strategies for environmental sustainability. |