Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Versions control

Physical Education Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in November 2017 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2020. 

Stage 2 | Subject outline | External assessment | Assessment Type 3: Group Dynamics

Assessment Type 3: Group Dynamics (30%)

Students undertake one group dynamics task.

The purpose of this assessment type is to extend the focus of physical activity beyond the individual to investigate the impact that group members, individually and collectively, have on the participation and performance of others.

Students prepare for and participate in a selected sport or physical activity, working collaboratively with one or more other people in a group.

Students undertake at least one role within the group, demonstrating their value to the group and their learning in, through, and about the selected sport or physical activity. They evaluate and analyse the impact their role had on the participation and performance of other group member(s).

Students undertake one or more of the following roles:

Fitness coach Collect and use data to develop individual plans for group members, applying exercise physiology concepts.
Technical coach Collect and use data to develop and refine sport‑specific movement patterns for individual group members, applying exercise physiology, skill acquisition, and/or biomechanical principles.
Tactical coach Collect and use data to develop and implement sport‑specific tactics and apply transferable tactics from other sports that group members are familiar with, using skill acquisition and socio‑cultural concepts.
Motivational coach Collect and use data to develop and implement sport psychology concepts to improve group or individual performance.

Students complete an analysis and evaluation of the impact that they, as individuals, had on the participation and/or performance of other group member(s).

The analysis and evaluation should:

  • outline the context through a brief introduction, which identifies the role(s) undertaken by the student and their aims for improving the performance and/or participation of others
  • evaluate the process of improving performance and/or participation of group members, including:
    • analysis and evaluation of evidence collected prior to and throughout the duration of the group dynamics activity
    • reflection on and evaluation of performance and/or participation improvement of others
    • evaluation of the effectiveness of implemented strategies
    • evidence of the collaborative skills applied by the student.
  • demonstrate contextual application of knowledge and understanding relevant to their role(s) through the evaluation of the process

Students may present evidence of their analysis and evaluation in various formats, for example:

  • blog or vlog
  • multimedia presentation
  • screencast
  • reflective journal.

The evidence for the evaluation and analysis of the group dynamics task should be a maximum of 12 minutes for an oral or multimodal presentation, or a maximum of 2000 words.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • application  — A1, A2, A4
  • analysis and evaluation — AE1, AE2, AE3.