Asset Publisher
Celebrating success
To celebrate and recognise the achievement of Aboriginal students, the SACE Board is calling for nominations of students to be included in our annual Aboriginal SACE Completers Poster.
SACE Merit Ceremony sessions re-scheduled for Tuesday 8 April
The SACE Merit Ceremony sessions scheduled for Wednesday 12 February have been re-scheduled to Tuesday 8 April.
Teachers, Coordinators
Stage 2 Activating Identities and Futures (AIF) Professional Learning
The new (AIF) subject is launching statewide next year, and we are offering a repeat of our 2024 professional learning workshops to ensure teachers are fully prepared for its implementation. The workshops will be held from 22 Jan- 5 Feb 2025.
Class of 2024 achieves 33 excellence awards
Among the class of 2024, 33 students have been awarded Governor of South Australia Commendations across the categories of SACE Excellence, Aboriginal Student SACE Excellence and Excellence in Modified SACE.
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Subject Renewal roadmap
A comprehensive program to review and enhance SACE subjects will ensure the SACE is a modern and responsive qualification for a changing world. Our roadmap outlines the pace and phases of Subject Renewal for each subject.
Website improvements
Take a tour of our new and improved SACE subject sites.
Newly recognised community programs
New Work Skills and Career Development and Sports Skills and Management programs have recently been recognised for delivery in 2024.
VET Skill Sets now recognised towards the SACE
The policy for recognition of VET in the SACE has been enhanced to recognise Skills Sets from nationally endorsed training packages. From May 2022 onwards, the SACE Board will be including Skill Sets in the VET Recognition Register and in Schools Online.
Get a copy of your results
Past students can apply for a replacement copy of their results.
Just started as a SACE coordinator?
Learn what your responsibilities are and get up-to-date with the latest changes in the SACE.
Follow our start-of-year checklist and watch a Q&A session with experienced SACE officers.