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Transfer — students
Schools request the transfer of students into their school in Schools Online. A transferring student’s current contact school will have to acknowledge and accept the transfer, or reject the transfer (refer to Schools Online > Help).
Any students who arrive at the school during Year 11 or Year 12 should be treated as transfers-in. It is possible that such students have been registered as SACE students and completed SACE subjects or VET units at other schools. Treating these students as transfers-in substantially reduces the chance of a second SACE registration number being issued to students, thereby reducing any associated problems for students, schools, and the SACE Board.
Students may not be sure if their previous school registered them. Schools can use the search facility in Schools Online to check the SACE Board database.
email: askSACE@sa.gov.au
Phone: 1300 322 920
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Responsibilities of the requesting school
The SACE coordinator of the requesting (new contact) school must follow the procedures detailed below when a new student asks to be registered for the SACE:
- Ask the student if he or she has a SACE registration number. If the student is unsure, use the student search facility in Schools Online to check the SACE Board database.
- If the student is in the database, submit a request for a transfer-in (follow the procedures in Schools Online > Help).
- Wait for the current contact school to accept the transfer. You can still enrol the student in subjects taught at your school and view completed subjects and any current or open enrolments.
- Once the transfer has been accepted, you must acknowledge the transfer in Schools Online. If there are delays in the transfer being accepted, contact askSACE@sa.gov.au.
If the student is not on the SACE Board database, the requesting school should register the student before enrolling the student in subjects taught at the school.
Responsibilities of the current contact school
- If the school receives a transfer request for a student in Schools Online, the SACE coordinator or Schools Online operator can either accept the transfer if the student has left the school or reject the transfer if the student has not left the school.
- If the student has left the school, the transfer should be accepted. This allows the transfer to proceed. The student should be deleted from subjects that he or she is no longer undertaking at the school, but enrolments should be retained if the school needs to provide a result (as a teaching school, even if the student has left the school).
Applications for a Record of Achievement and a SACE, if applicable, may be submitted to the SACE Board at this time using Form 15.
Summary of transfer responsibilities
New contact school
When students transfer to another school, the new contact school is responsible for subject counselling and SACE tracking for these students. The new contact school will also be the examination centre for all subjects.
When students have completed their SACE program and/or are not returning to a school, it is appropriate to transfer the students to the SACE Board. An appropriate archiving procedure will effectively maintain the students’ results in a school database in perpetuity, even after the transfer to the SACE Board has been made.
Teaching school
All subject enrolments are submitted to the SACE Board by the school that is teaching the student.
Most students undertake their subjects at their contact school; therefore the contact school is also the teaching school. However, many students undertake subjects in other teaching locations, such as ethnic schools, the Open Access College, the School of Languages, and other specialist subject schools (e.g. art, dance, drama, and music schools). These schools are required to complete subject enrolments on behalf of all students being taught at their school.
The subjects provided by other teaching schools need to be known and included in the contact school’s subject counselling and SACE tracking processes; the contact school may include such enrolments provisionally in Schools Online. Such enrolments cannot be submitted to the SACE Board by the contact school on behalf of the teaching school.
Teaching schools are responsible for the management of all subject enrolments and results for their students.
Transfer between schools and/or late entry
As a result of transfers between schools or a change of student subject choice, some students may join a Stage 2 assessment group several weeks after the beginning of the school year or semester. A transfer to a Stage 2 assessment group may require changes to the learning and assessment plan to ensure that the student is assessed in a way comparable to that used for all other students in the assessment group. Such changes should be documented on an addendum to the plan to show the:
- credit that can be accommodated (in terms of assessments completed at the school from which the student is transferring)
- assessments that have been completed by the assessment group that the student is transferring to that cannot be undertaken by the student
- assessments that can be completed by the student after appropriate ‘catch-up’ work has been done
- any alternative assessments that allow the student to meet the assessment requirements of the subject.
When a student transfers between schools during the year, the completed school assessments and results should be sent to the new school and appropriate adjustments made to combine the two school assessment programs. Teachers should take into account what is fair and reasonable for the student in this process.
Students experience great difficulty when transferring to a full-year subject 10 weeks or more after the beginning of the school year. In many subjects, a student may find it almost impossible to complete the teaching and learning program successfully because of its structure or the topics chosen. The main intention of the transfer arrangement is to accommodate students who transfer to a school that offers different subjects; it is not intended to accommodate changes in subject choice, unless the circumstances are exceptional.