AC | Global | Stage 1 | Support Materials | Learning and assessment plans

Learning and assessment plans

Teachers of Stage 1 subjects develop a learning and assessment plan appropriate for their student cohort that shows their intended learning and assessment activities for a subject.

Schools are required to have at least one approved learning and assessment plan for each Stage 1 subject offered.

Schools have the option of using pre-approved or school-developed learning and assessment plans (LAPs), or a combination of these two options.

Schools can adapt pre-approved learning and assessment plans by using the addendum to record andendorse any changes made to the plan.

Schools are responsible for checking that school-developed LAPs meet the subject outline specifications.

Stage 1 pre-approved and Stage 1 school-developed learning and assessment plans are not submitted to the SACE Board for approval.

Please see the documents below for:

  • pre-approved learning and assessment plans
  • school-developed learning and assessment plan forms
  • frequently asked questions about learning and assessment plans.