Essential English

Overview Part 1


Stage 1 Essential English is designed for a range of students, including those who are seeking to meet the SACE literacy requirement, students planning to pursue a career in a range of trades or vocational pathways, and those intending to continue their study of English at Stage 2. There is an emphasis on communication, comprehension, analysis, and text creation. This subject leads to Stage 2 Essential English and may also lead to other Stage 2 English subjects.

In Stage 2 Essential English students respond to, and create texts in and for a range of personal, social, cultural, community, and/or workplace contexts.

Stage 1 Essential English is a subject that can meet the compulsory literacy requirements of the SACE when completed with a C grade or better. It is assessed by the school and moderated at Stage 1.

Overview | Subject name | Subject codes

Subject codes

Stage 1
Credits Code
10 1ETE10
20 1ETE20
Stage 2
Credits Code
20 2ETE20

Global | Minisites | Overview | Assessment Weightings | Stage 1 and Stage 2

Assessment weightings

  Stage 1 Stage 2
School assessment 100% 70%
External assessment 30%