Modified subjects | Teaching Stage 1 and Stage 2

Teaching modified subjects

Before teaching modified subjects, you should have a firm understanding of the assessment of individual achievement, learning and assessment plans, school assessment and the review, and relevant policies and guidelines, and how these apply to the subject.

You also need to ensure students are eligible to study modified subjects.

Understanding the SACE

Although your school's SACE coordinator and leadership team are in charge of making sure students select appropriate subjects and ultimately complete the SACE, it's also important for you to understand how the SACE works.

Your SACE journey is a great place to start. This is aimed at students, but contains a lot of what you'll need to get a handle on the various aspects of the SACE, including compulsory subjects, credits, the ATAR, and recognised learning (e.g. VET).

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Subject outlines

The subject outline is the most important pre-reading for modified subjects.

The subject outline describes the learning and assessment requirements of modified subjects. It forms the basis of the teaching, learning, and assessment programs delivered in schools and is considered critical reading. The subject outline is published at the beginning of every year.

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Assessment of individual achievement

Modified subjects allow students to develop their capabilities and personal learning goals. Working together, students and teachers identify and develop personal learning goals based on the subject undertaken.

Assessment of individual achievement is based on the knowledge, skills, and understanding that are observed in students’ evidence of learning. At the end of the teaching and learning program the teacher assigns a result of ‘completed’ or ‘not completed’ for the modified subject, based on the student’s evidence of learning.

For a result of ‘completed’, the student’s evidence of learning will demonstrate achievement against the:

  • capabilities selected for development in the subject
  • student’s personal learning goals.

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Learning and assessment plans

A learning and assessment plan (LAP) is a document that shows a teacher's intended learning and assessment activities for a subject.

The varied nature of modified subjects means that instead of a pre-approved LAP, we provide LAP exemplars. Teachers can use these exemplars as guides, but will ultimately need to develop their own LAP (called a school-developed LAP), and must ensure it meets the subject outline specifications. Modified Subjects LAPs are approved by your principal and kept in your school.

Support is available to help prepare learning and assessment plans and design assessment tasks. Contact the modified subjects SACE officer for more information (details available on the Modified subjects homepage).

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School assessment and the review

In modified subjects, student work is assessed entirely by the school. To make sure that students' work is assessed consistently no matter where they attend school, the following modified subjects are reviewed:

  • Stage 1 English: Modified
  • Stage 1 Mathematics: Modified
  • Stage 1 Personal Learning Plan: Modified
  • Stage 2 Research Project: Modified

The review is specific to Modified Subjects and is part of the confirming phase of the quality assurance cycle. More about the Modified Subjects review.

Your roles and responsibilities during the quality assurance cycle and the review are detailed in the following:

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Key dates

Use the list of Modified Subjects key dates to plan your year. To print the entire list, go to the full description calendar and type '#Modified-Subjects' into the search box.

Not in SA? Try the NT calendar.

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