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Learning and assessment plans — Stage 1 and Stage 2

Advice for schools about the development of Stage 1 and Stage 2 learning and assessment plans. Stage 1 and Stage 2 learning and assessment plans do not need to be submitted to the SACE Board for approval. Approved learning and assessment plans should be kept in a central location at the school.

Schools are responsible for ensuring that each Stage 1 and Stage 2 subject offered is being taught and assessed according to current subject outline specifications.

At Stage 1 and Stage 2, schools have the option of using or adapting pre-approved learning and assessment plans, developing their own learning and assessment plans (school-developed learning and assessment plans), or using a combination of these two options.

Pre-approved learning and assessment plans and forms for school-developed learning and assessment plans are available for the relevant subjects.

Use the Stage 1 and Stage 2 LAP checklist for teachers [DOC 659KB] to ensure all LAPs meet required specifications.

Schools may contact the SACE Board for advice about the development and management of learning and assessment plans in the school.

Learning and assessment plans are not submitted to the SACE Board for approval. Stage 1 LAPs for compulsory subjects and Stage 2 LAPs are submitted to the SACE Board when results and moderation materials are submitted. 

Stage 1 learning and assessment plans

Teachers of Stage 1 subjects develop and submit school-developed learning and assessment plans to the principal or the principal’s delegate for approval. Teachers may choose to use pre‑approved plans, which are available for the relevant subjects.

The principal or the principal’s delegate approves school-developed learning and assessment plans, and pre-approved plans that have been adapted, provided that the plans meet all the requirements listed in the learning and assessment plan checklist for the relevant subjects.

Reporting Stage 1 results

Schools should only report student results in Schools Online when the subject has been taught and assessed according to the current Stage 1 subject outline requirements and has an approved learning and assessment plan.

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Stage 2 learning and assessment plans

Schools are required to have a school-approved learning and assessment plan for each Stage 2 subject offered, except Community Studies, Activating Identities and Futures and Research Project. The set of assessments described in the learning and assessment plan must give students opportunities to demonstrate each of the specific features of the assessment design criteria by the completion of study of the subject.

Teachers of Stage 2 subjects develop and submit school-developed learning and assessment plans to the principal or the principal’s delegate for approval. Teachers may choose to use pre‑approved plans for the relevant subjects.

The principal or the principal’s delegate approves school-developed learning and assessment plans, and pre-approved plans that have been adapted, provided that the plans meet all the requirements listed in the learning and assessment plan checklist for the relevant subjects.

Teachers of Community Studies A and B use the Stage 2 Assessment program planner [DOC 55KB] to record details of the learning contract for each student. Teachers are not required to submit the assessment group program planner to the SACE Board for approval, but are required to submit a copy of the planner with materials for final moderation.

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Changes to approved learning and assessment plans

Changes to approved school-developed or pre-approved learning and assessment plans should be described in the addendum section of the plan(s).

Additional plans should be identified as separate variations of the approved plan(s) using an appropriate letter (A–W) on the front page of the plan.

Changes to approved school-developed or pre-approved learning and assessment plans, or additional plans developed from already approved plans, should be authorised by the principal or the principal’s delegate and kept at the school.

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