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Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF)

Stage 1

Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF) is an exciting flagship subject that responds to the rapidly changing local and global context that our students are living and learning in. EIF is a Stage 1 subject that supports students to learn more about themselves and explore their aspirations and future.

EIF prepares students for a different way of thinking and learning in senior school. As students begin their SACE journey, they build the knowledge, skills, and capabilities required to be thriving learners and are empowered to take ownership of where their pathway leads, exploring interests, work, travel and/or further learning.

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EIF is the result of work to revitalise the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and Research Project (RP) to better meet the needs of current and future students in a changing world. The subject was developed by the SACE Board working with all three sectors (Catholic, Government and Independent) to pilot and evaluate this new subject in schools, with students, before the wider implementation of the subject.

The Revitalising the Personal Learning Plan Project page provides more information about the journey through the pilot to EIF.

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