Stage 1 | Subject outline | version control
Design, Technology and Engineering
Stage 1
Subject outline
For teaching in 2024. Accredited in November 2018 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2020.
Stage 1 | Subject outline | Contexts | Robotic and electronic systems
Robotic and Electronic Systems
In this context, students can use a variety of hardware (components) that may be combined with software to design and realise a solution such as a device or system. Students produce outcomes that demonstrate the knowledge and skills associated with using electronic, mechatronic, electrical, or pneumatic systems. These can include electronic components, circuit design and assembly, robotic components, programming, wiring, gears, simulation, or systems integration.
The solutions may be hardware only (e.g. an electronic circuit) or a combination of hardware and software (code).
Examples of contexts for electronic and robotic systems include:
- agricultural applications
- automated systems (e.g. programmable logic controllers)
- autonomous vehicles (e.g. model robot cars)
- biomedical engineering
- communication systems (e.g. radio telemetry, Bluetooth)
- electrical systems
- electronic circuits (printed circuit boards)
- electronic systems (including microcontroller boards such as Arduino and Picaxe)
- internet of things (IoT): web-connected sensors and devices (e.g. NodeMcu, WEMOS, Raspberry Pi)
- mechanical systems (e.g. using a variety of gear mechanisms)
- pneumatic, hydraulic, or fluidic systems
- renewable energy systems (e.g. solar, wind, battery storage)
- robotics (building a programmed, autonomous, or remote-controlled robot.