About | What we do | Strategic plan 2024-27 | Evolution of Thrive

Evolution of Thrive

Over the last three years, we have been shaping education so that students thrive. 

The drivers for our work include key research and policy directions from around the work that supports the need to recognise a broader and deeper range of skills and capabilities in students. 

We initiated the SACE Change Network and invited all schools to participate in piloting and testing new practices through 3 key projects: 

Working together with over 150 schools, we tested different approaches to teaching and learning and discovered the most impactful strategies from their experience on the ground. 

We collectively made good progress toward achieving impact for the thriving learner, including: 

  • new relationships with teachers and other stakeholders 
  • co-designing with teachers 
  • new subjects Exploring Identities and Futures and Activating Identities and Futures 
  • the capabilities as a tangible expression of a thriving learner 
  • the value of students’ active role in their learning 
  • Aboriginal student belonging 

Our 2024-27 Strategic Plan reaffirms our commitment to the thriving learner and will proactively address our communication and engagement. It includes initiatives such as confirming and broadly communicating our customer support model for daily queries, improving engagement with key stakeholders across schooling systems and school leadership, and enhancing community awareness of the SACE Board’s purpose and direction. 

Explore our 2024-27 Strategic Plan