
Coordinating the SACE | Administration | Exams | Oral examinations

Oral examinations for languages

Each oral examination should take approximately 10 to 15 minutes, as specified by the Stage 2 subject outline.

Students must be supervised while waiting for, and after, the oral examination. Students who have completed the examination must not have contact with students who are waiting to be examined. Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be switched off and not accessed in the waiting area or the examination room.

Notes and cue cards are not permitted in any oral examination at any level.

If a student is unable to be present for the scheduled examination for medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances, the school should apply for the use of a derived result.

Latest timetable

The oral examination timetable for Stage 2 languages subjects is made available to schools on the SACE website in early September each year.

SACE coordinators and language teachers are asked to tell their students the venue, date, and time of their oral examination. If there is any query about the oral examination schedule, students should speak to their language teacher or the SACE coordinator about appropriate action. The language teacher or the SACE coordinator is responsible for ensuring that students are available at the venue at the stated time.