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New subject in 2025:

Stage 2 Activating Identities and Futures (AIF)

Empowering students to thrive
in a rapidly changing world.

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  • Coordinators

    To celebrate and recognise the achievement of Aboriginal students, the SACE Board is calling for nominations of students to be included in our annual Aboriginal SACE Completers Poster. 

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  • Everyone

    The SACE Merit Ceremony sessions scheduled for Wednesday 12 February have been re-scheduled to Tuesday 8 April.

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  • Teachers, Coordinators

    The new (AIF) subject is launching statewide next year, and we are offering a repeat of our 2024 professional learning workshops to ensure teachers are fully prepared for its implementation. The workshops will be held from 22 Jan- 5 Feb 2025. 

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    Event Activating Identities and Futures
  • Everyone

    Among the class of 2024, 33 students have been awarded Governor of South Australia Commendations across the categories of SACE Excellence, Aboriginal Student SACE Excellence and Excellence in Modified SACE.
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Marketing Showcase | Merit Ceremony | 2025

SACE Merit Ceremony

The outstanding academic achievements of South Australia's Year 12 students are recognised annually at the SACE Merit Ceremony.

Marketing showcase | Subject renewal | GO LIVE 10 DEC

Subject renewal

A comprehensive program to review and enhance SACE subjects will ensure the SACE is a modern and responsive qualification for a changing world. Our roadmap outlines the pace and phases of Subject Renewal for each subject.

Marketing showcase | Updated Subject Outlines

Updated subject outlines

Under the Subject Renewal program, straightforward improvements have been incorporated into new subject outlines, ready for teaching in 2025.

Marketing showcase | Passport to Thrive

Passport to Thrive

The SACE Board Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027 describes how the SACE Board and school communities can collaborate to create adaptable learning pathways for life.

Marketing showcase | Teaching Stage 1 and Stage 2

Resources for teachers

Teaching Stage 1 and Stage 2

All you need to know about teaching a Stage 1 or Stage 2 subject. Learn about subject outlines, performance standards and grades, learning and assessment plans, the quality assurance cycle, school assessment and moderation, external assessment, and more.

Marketing Showcase | The new VET Recognition Register

The new and improved

VET Recognition Register

Use the register to help students plan their future career and pathways to employment, traineeships and apprenticeships. The new and improved VET Recognition Register delivers on the State Government’s reform to strengthen the role of VET in the SACE, and is a key part of the SACE Board’s strategic vision to develop a connected qualification.

Marketing showcase | Achieving your SACE

Achieving your SACE

How to build 200 credits

Here’s a short video on how the SACE works and how students can achieve the necessary requirements through subjects, VET and other recognised learning.

Program showcase | SACE International and Prescient

  • SACE International

    SACE International is the international department of the SACE Board, and since the 1980s has been responsible for developing, growing, and maintaining SACE Board educational products and services outside of Australia. 

    The SACE is currently delivered through a growing network of accredited schools across ASIA.   

    To deliver the SACE outside of Australia please contact our international team for support and guidance. 

  • Prescient

    Prescient is the professional learning service of the SACE Board. We empower educators to drive the future of education by providing transformative professional learning across all sectors and levels of teaching. Using local, national and international expertise, we share ideas, problem-solve and empower teachers in their vital role as change agents.